Timetraveler2063 Questions and Comments

Timetraveler2063, I just thought of an obvious question...Astronomers and Scientists always know way in advance whenever anything is approaching the earth, and we usuallly hear about it in the news. QUESTION: If a meteor is coming close to earth this year (that will cause devastation & earthquakes), why aren't the people being told by the authorities and/or experts?
1. What happens to me?

2. Why do I hear things and see things?

3. Who is the man I saw standing over my bed and when I close my eyes?

4.How does one raise their frequency/vibrations/activated the pineal?

5. What are the benefits of activation?

6. What are the consequences of activation....? (Relates to 1-3)

I figure I can't do much about the state of the world.... but hey, I can figure out what's going on with me.

And I can't believe no one has asked about this... but

7. Are there zombies in the future? Is it Necromancy, some sort of reanimation/reprogramming process, a sort of human/cyborg hybrid from recently dead material? What is the nature of them. Revelation 3:1-6
1. Why does it say blessed are those who get to the 1335 days? Is it going to be hard
To stay alive between now and Sept 16 2012? Please explain more than a yes or no.
Timetraveler2063 was Qronos1 talking about this when he said a book would be written about Art Bell telling the real story about him? From Art Bell’s Facebook:
“I am just about ready to tell the real story of my so called “Retirements”. I have asked Premiere to stop the Saturday Broadcasts and thus far they have not done so as is there legal right. Free speech remains my right, I will soon exercise it.”
Yes as Qronos 1 said there are many things about Art Bell and his situation the public does not know. It has taken longer then Qronos 1 said but this is what he was talking about.
Why has it taken longer?
Oh, I know you want 2063 to answer, but darn if we know yet how many asteroids and such up there, but here is good idea so far as to how many we do know:

International Dark-Sky Association

What we do


Near-Earth Object Program

Current Impact Risks

Minor Planet Center

The NEO Page

Planetary Society

The NEO Page

Near Earth Object Information Centre

Near Earth Objects

International Astronomical Union

Near Earth Objects | IAU

Near Earth Object Map

Near Earth Objects Map

Now, put shields on the lights so they do not shine up and light up the bottom of satellites crossing the night sky and fouling up the natural rhythms of the birds and animals so at least we can see the Milky Way Galaxy. Turn out the lights! (Shield the lights!)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, we can't see you from afar!

Oh well, so goes this Planet around the Sun.
Why has it taken longer?

This is my guess...

It has taken longer because of two things. One the shadow government (and if one doesn't realize it exist so help them God) is doing everything possible to delay the "Second Coming and the time if Judgement." However you wish to interpret the previous statement is fine by me. I'm more familiar with judeo christian terms.

The attempts to delay are out of self preservation and an attempt to sabotage the divine plan for humanity. The loophole exists in the fact that the end won't come before everyone is given a fair chance. Look at popular media and culture... the state of the family unit... However the longer the delay the more people are born who can be brought to the Light. So in the end.... was it really delayed?

Also, the added intervention of refugees from parallel timeliness has increased the time. Some escape for benevolent reasons others for power and control.... think, travelling to the past can create a feedback loop almost without fail so to avoid that, one must jump to another universe. Similar but different that the jumper most likely doesn't exist in.

Other timelines are imploding on themselves for whatever reason. Ours... must be a last ditch effort for survival for many time travellers. Our salvation is directly tied into the fate of theirs hence all the attention.

Just my 2 cents. Am I headed in the right direction time traveller?

Also, if you are from 2063, why is your birthday in the forum
May 23, 1983 (Age: 29)
He already answered that. He cannot choose a birthdate in the future...

Daniel 12:11-12 says:
From the time that the continual is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. Blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days.

So is there 45 days of tribulation?
