
Knowledge is Power, and the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is a burden of judgement requiring wisdom. Sometimes that necessary wisdom is beyond humans and best left to god. Choosing to accept the responsibility that comes with it brings judgement upon the self, and thus why it is best to walk with god either way. Wise righteous and true the one who bears the fruit of knowledge must be.

So does the snake in the garden deserve our sympathy for the enormous burden it carries, or scorn for it's lack of wisdom in disregard of the value of innocence? How dare he offer the fruit of knowledge to a beautiful creature such as eve? ...how dare he risk her precious innocence on her ignorant choice, use deception to trap her soul with such a burden? How unwise and irresponsible ...evil is the snake indeed.

My wisdom tells me that to love, to value life, is to walk with god, and I therefore do not fear knowledge or judgement nor the valley of darkness, because I know my heart is true.

The trail of things hoped for, evidence of the unseen leads through the valley of darkness to a place much like Eden where one must be righteous and in favor of those who are likewise. IF I were to visit, I know I would not take the burden of knowledge lightly. I dare not do as the snake and temp eve with the fruit, for her innocence is much too precious. I dare not subject her to judgement. I instead guard her innocence, keep a quiet but watchful eye over her pure and worthy soul.


I want to know the truth. The wondering drives me crazy. All I have are clues suggesting the worst.

She was absolutely beautiful. And she knew what I thought of her before I did, before anything. I watched her respond to things I am still trying to figure out. She knew and made it clear that she wanted to be mine, and according to what would not be realized or spoken of until much later.

I know what I would do if I was there. I'd do whatever necessary to ensure her safety and comfort.

So, what happened?
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Who says that's supposed to be Titor?

If I were balls deep into anything, I wouldn't be here. I'm just following clues, discovering a greater truth, trying to do the right thing and hoping for something good to come of all of it.

That old lady depicted above is someone's interpretation of someone whom I admired from childhood. I was very impressed by my friend. You could tell she came from a good place. I concluded that her mother had a lot to do with it and therefore deserving of equal admiration. In short, it's a Freudian metaphor.

WTF that has to do with the Titor-verse, I am unsure, exactly. I think Titor is trying to point something out to me, and it has to do with all these girls I grew up with who influenced my view on women.

You've made four posts in a row and the last one is an apple. That isn't the sequence of action one would expect from someone claiming to just be following clues. You're after a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but you don't notice the rainbow is 360 degrees and has no beginning or end. By the way, this is a forum. You can, and are, encourage to post one comment per thread in succession. Just my two cents.



Well, don't worry guys. One can always use his/her own thread as a personal journal to share ideas and content, just like this one.


You've made four posts in a row and the last one is an apple. That isn't the sequence of action one would expect from someone claiming to just be following clues. You're after a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but you don't notice the rainbow is 360 degrees and has no beginning or end. By the way, this is a forum. You can, and are, encourage to post one comment per thread in succession. Just my two cents.

My primary goal and first order of business is truth. That is where it starts. There are problems that need to be resolved, NOW. I need to explain exactly a set of events and circumstances that have effected the entirety of my life and the lives of others, NOW. A LOT is dependent upon it.

I suspect key figures may be listening. I know they hold truth. I hurt too, and can only imagine their pain. But this needs addressing. If they aren't listening, then maybe someone is who gives a damn, who may be able to help.

How is the apple problematic? Why or how does it suggest that I am not following clues? Do you know what that apple is about? If so, speak up.


Senior Member
Instead of talking in circles in every post you make. Or controlling the narrative as you put it.

But this is what you want reaction.:)

Why dont you come clean and spill the beans.

As another mentioned get back on your meds.

"Oh no i cant do tell its all a secret".


Senior Member
I want to know the truth. The wondering drives me crazy. All I have are clues suggesting the worst.

She was absolutely beautiful. And she knew what I thought of her before I did, before anything. I watched her respond to things I am still trying to figure out. She knew and made it clear that she wanted to be mine, and according to what would not be realized or spoken of until much later.

I know what I would do if I was there. I'd do whatever necessary to ensure her safety and comfort.

So, what happened?

Is the girl Grace Slick, or someone who looks very much like her?.


While I'm thinking about it...

Those adorable beautiful precious little girls that I grew up with, whom all contributed to my development perspective and appreciation for women, grew to be, in my opinion, some of the finest women to have ever walked the Earth. It has been a privilege to have known them and I am pleased to see they are doing well with their lives, and I very much thank them for tolerating me and allowing me to have a better understanding.


Is the girl Grace Slick, or someone who looks very much like her?.

I want you to imagine the sweetest, most adorable pretty little girl you can, who comes from generations of good loving homes and has all those great qualities of an excellent future mother and wife. Think "Alice in wonderland" before she grew up to be a magnificent woman. Now imagine her daughter emulating her and addressing to you a deeply profound and loving sentiment.

Now add to that time travel and an absolute hellish nightmare that consumes your entire life and somehow produces a few million dead people, one of which is Alice , and along with an attached message that reads what looks like a great big "Fuck You" to a lot of people that appears to be from a really pissed off group of great great great great great great great +++++ grandparents.

...or something like that.
