U.S. Delta Force Fought With Aliens in Underground Battle in New Mexico

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Has anyone seen this? Any thoughts?
Details on How U.S. Delta Force Fought With Aliens in Underground Battle in New Mexico | Wokehub

Details on How U.S. Delta Force Fought With Aliens in Underground Battle in New Mexico

EXOPOLITICS — The details surrounding the supposed Dulce Air Force base wars, prima facie, might seem absurd or the product of an eccentric imagination. Examining the myriad testimonies however, especially those of local residents, reveals undeniable evidence of strange occurrences.

This secret, subterranean military base at Mount Archuleta, on the Colorado-New Mexico border, is as highly classified as Area 51. It was allegedly inhabited by a battalion of grey aliens conducting depraved experiments on humans, under the auspices of the U.S. military. Eventually, paranoia and tensions ran high, resulting in a deadly firefight that exposed Dulce base level seven.

What, if any, proof corroborates this story and the accounts of whistleblowers who supposedly worked there? And what about the state trooper who found a humanoid species in a mutilated cattle carcass resting in a field nearby?

Philip Schneider, one of the more notable names in the Dulce Air Force Base stories, allegedly worked as a geological engineer, contracting for the government in its construction of a program known as D.U.M.B., or Deep Underground Military Bases. According to Schneider, this system of bases spans the continental U.S. with over 100 interconnected, subterranean tunnels.

Within the Dulce base’s seven levels, Schneider had clearance to construct a system of tunnels under secret service supervision. One day while digging, he and colleagues experienced technical difficulties, and in their attempt to fix the problem, encountered grey aliens.

A battle ensued, in which he was one of three survivors out of 60 men. During the battle, accounts allege these aliens shot lasers from their chests, burning off some of Schneider’s fingers and a leg. He said he killed two before being hit with the plasma weapon. He escaped and the military immediately called in special forces. Schneider later recalled that “Military units, such as Delta Force”, went underground and engaged in a fire-fight with the tall Greys. He later added that an engineer that had escaped, had data and information which would subsequently form the basis of stealth cloaking technology.

A number of strange narratives related to the Dulce battle, including those from locals and law enforcement, attest to strange phenomenon in the area. And all of the relevant names in this story are tied to each other in different ways, but everyone experiencing different strange occurrences, most with dark outcomes. But whether the stories are the product of actual extraterrestrial activity or government scare tactics remains fodder for debate.

After the alleged battle, Schneider dedicated his life to serving as a whistleblower, exposing the events that occurred during his time there. There are videos of Schneider describing the experiments conducted deep underground by the greys on live humans. He said that human specimens were kept in liquid-filled capsules where the greys experimented with human DNA. Schneider said that the greys would absorb the blood of humans and cattle for sustenance.

The fate of Philip Schneider, however, adds to the level of conspiracy and the extent to which intelligence agents were involved. Schneider spent the latter part of his life giving speeches about his alleged experiences at the Dulce base. He often said he was being watched by the government and that if he ever was found to have committed suicide, one could assume he was murdered. In 1996, Schneider was found dead with the cord of a catheter wrapped around his neck, in what was labelled a suicide.

Another name involved with the case, of questionable provenance, was a security guard on base named, Thomas Castello. He also allegedly witnessed this project and saw local missing persons underground being experimented on by the greys. Castello says he witnessed the rising tension and paranoia between the thousands of aliens and government employees in advance of the violent battle as well, but there isn’t much else about him.

In late 2018, a local newspaper interviewed Dulce residents on the Jicarilla Apache reservation, home to about 2,500 people. Residents of the town are quick to discuss their experiences, strange phenomena and sightings around the base which is near the UFO Highway. The town has embraced the UFO community and has become the next tourist stop after Roswell.

One account from a state trooper in 1975 maintained the hype around Dulce. The trooper, Gabe Valdez, reported coming across a mutilated cattle carcass in a field outside of Dulce. Valdez said he discovered a fetus inside the cattle that he described as looking, “like a human, a monkey and a frog. It didn’t have any bones in the head. It was all full of water.” He said what he saw looked like “an incubation chamber for a cloned creature,” much like the experiments purported to have taken place deep below ground.

After discovering the carcass, Valdez alleges he found listening devices in his home, and reported UFO sightings. Valdez claims there are four underground bases at Dulce, which are now inactive, but he does not believe there were any alien beings there.
He said he believes the UFOs he saw were not necessarily extraterrestrial, but highly advanced, stealth military aircraft, including silent, black helicopters. He also revealed that he has insight into what the military was researching at the base, but cannot disclose it for reasons unknown. Could Valdez he be implying that his discoveries uncovered some bizarre biological experiments conducted by the government?
The story of Paul Bennewitz, a key figure in the perpetuation of the Dulce Air Force base story, adds another kink to the narrative. In the ’70s, Bennewitz researched clandestine government programs conducted at the Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque.

Bennewitz’s research revealed information he said made government officials nervous. To prevent him from further discovering secret programs, government operatives, namely Richard Doty, were tasked with feeding Bennewitz false stories about alien bases in New Mexico. He says they employed the help of famous ufologist William Moore, who co-authored The Roswell Incident. Doty and Moore’s efforts drove Bennewitz to the brink of paranoid insanity.

It seems that much of the propagation of the Dulce Air Force base battle can be attributed to Bennewitz and the government’s insidious operation to subversively drive him insane. If Bennewitz’s story was proven to be fabricated by Doty, where does Schneider’s story fit in? Was he also manipulated into believing the stories told to Bennewitz, or was he uncovering other secrets the government didn’t want him to know? One of the subjects Schneider often discussed, in addition to the Dulce story, was the government’s black budget for classified programs. Was Schnieder on the cusp of exposing nefarious government projects, or was the government afraid he worked for the Soviets? Whatever the case, the implications of government foul play are more than evident.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
seen a picture of that tunnel at top but it had a small ship in the water so i wonder how a ship can navigate and turn in that narrow looking tunnel


Senior Member
seen a picture of that tunnel at top but it had a small ship in the water so i wonder how a ship can navigate and turn in that narrow looking tunnel

I have also seen that picture somewhere else Cobber...I thought it might have been a smallish Radio Controlled boat..
Your picture reminded me of a guy I knew in the 1960s who liked Rock and Roll dancing in my local local Locarno dance venue (y):D..
However, don't be surprised if you receive comments from a couple of our politically correct members, who might try to dissuade you from presenting your photo, along with your Oz location ;):LOL:...


Senior Member
"In 1996, Schneider was found dead with the cord of a catheter wrapped around his neck, in what was labelled a suicide."

Most probably more than a few ended up like this, when it may have been otherwise quickly removed before anyone was able to take a better look.

Somewhat like the UK weapons inspector that came back from Iraq after his report.
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Junior Member
I have been to Dulce, there is no airforce base, secret or otherwise, there. It is beautiful country though. I recommend any one interested go visit.


@JahaRa - Do you know Dulce like the back of your hand? If not, there may be some things that are hidden from public knowledge and are top secret, maybe or maybe not in Dulce though. Ever been to or heard of Roswell?

I live in a somewhat small town, the same one my whole life, but I'm pretty sure I haven't thoroughly explored all of it to date.


Junior Member
@JahaRa - Do you know Dulce like the back of your hand? If not, there may be some things that are hidden from public knowledge and are top secret, maybe or maybe not in Dulce though. Ever been to or heard of Roswell?

I live in a somewhat small town, the same one my whole life, but I'm pretty sure I haven't thoroughly explored all of it to date.
I have been to Roswell many times, for one job I had I spent a lot of time in Roswell. If you could travel I suggest you take a trip to New Mexico and spend some time studying geology before you go. The stories about an underground base in Dulce New Mexico are made up just like the Wingmakers.com made up their story and after it got some attention changed it to have taken place in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Both stories are made up.

As for Roswell, something did happen and the military were told to cover it up after they had reported it. Still, we don't know what really happened, just bits and peices. Yes, there are secrets and the popular theory about those secrets is that they are aliens from outer space. But what if it is even more crazy, like advanced, secret technology tests, or a breakaway civilization that wants to stay hidden, or some ancient human race.

I know of a real secret base inside a mountain in New Mexico and it is only marginally secret, because is is owned by the military and sometimes they have to hire truck drivers to haul stuff into or out of that mountain. That is probably where the Dulce story came from, to deflect the tourists and conspiracy people from the real base. If you watch the televison show Stargate, they have a secret base in a mountain in Colorado, that is made up as well.


New Member
I have already watched so many videos by Shneider. Know what?
I really believe in Shneider's story.
Grey ETs are experimenting with human beings perhaps trying to get sollutions to their problems. It is all for now i get inhibitted to be among brainy members. My knowldege is very imperfect. Thanks!
