U.S. Delta Force Fought With Aliens in Underground Battle in New Mexico

Maybe the Greys are our future selves..
Their civilisation dying..
So they come back in time to steal our sperm and eggs to reproduce..

Old and very commonly held theory. Could be true. Could also be that they are actual space aliens
that just went through some of the same problems we on Earth are starting to go through and
wanted to abduct us and maybe preserve us because we serve some sort of unknown purpose to them. One thing that makes me
think they really are aliens and not us is the star map that turned out to be accurate in the Betty and
Barney Hill case. And it was Zeta Reticuli how it would look viewed from space too.
Whenever this topic comes up I always refer people to The Dulce Book by Bruce Alan DeWalton (aka 'Branton'). The preceding link is a current, free source for the pdf version, assembled from the originally-free HTML version:

And if you're pressed for time, I recommend starting at Ch 10. Brace yourself...

(no affiliation with globalgreyebooks)
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First off this is a conspiracy theory so the merits of it are suspect from the start...Paul Bennewitz made the claim of alien activity there in 1979....There were Cold War missile installations in Dulce in case anyone is interested..Those installations gave rise to the rumors....Basically the Dulce Legend is so far outside the realm of possibility even for underground bases....
First off this is a conspiracy theory so the merits of it are suspect from the start...Paul Bennewitz made the claim of alien activity there in 1979....There were Cold War missile installations in Dulce in case anyone is interested..Those installations gave rise to the rumors....Basically the Dulce Legend is so far outside the realm of possibility even for underground bases....
Oh. That's a new one. Nothing more than old missile silos. Sure. Nothing to see here. Move along.

BTW, any source for your "reason"? Locations? Should be public knowledge, now that the Cold War is long over (and, no, please don't quote from Wikipedia :fp: )

And I'm sure the Jicarilla Apache Reservation made an exception for the US Military to install them there, too, right inside their sacred grounds. Yep. No question about that, either.

Oh, and never mind that such silos are scattered around the US in other strategic locations, yet no persistent paranormal activity around those. Just one of those pesky facts, that's all...
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Going to Dulce and not finding a secret underground base means nothing.
How the heck would you find it? They wouldn't let you in even if you did.
I think it is probably there or was at one time.
I have this strong feeling it isn't active anymore.

Oh, and if it's all so fake how do you explain this:

As a side note, anything related to conspiracy theories on Wikipedia usually sucks and is
very one-sided. They have the absolute worst article on Roswell ever and only recently it got
slightly more objective thanks to a suggestion.
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OK I seen Godzilla eating out of a trash can in Tokyo you gotta belief me because i saw it.....There is no record of such a base and like was said before there never has been...All we got is Paul Bennewitz documentation on it and that is just one man's word.....And as far as UFOs go hell UFOs are seen in all 50 states so what's so new about that? Are you saying UFOs have only been seen in Dulce?

And as far as conspiracy theories yeah I guess Wiki is one sided to those who believe that bullshit.

And yeah residents in Dulce are going to say UFO this and that and secret alien bases the town needs the economic impact which it has very little of.
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Not really saying the base exists, just saying that we don't really know for sure that it does not. Proving a negative is hard.
I cannot prove that you did NOT see Godzilla eating out of a trash bin in Japan for example. You can't prove that I didn't see Pikachu getting a an Uber lift from some anime girls either.
Secondly, explain to me how the Roswell bodies were crash test dummies when the witnesses all said
they had tiny bodies and oversized heads which doesn't match a crash test dummy at all?
Also, you don't only have Paul you have a document by a guy named Thomas Costello. Can you prove he existed? No.
Can you prove he didn't? No. You also have Phil Schneider, many think he was a complete lunatic but there's more than Bennewitz.
The way I look at it? If it doesn't exist it is probably some sort of highly advanced disinformation campaign to cover up another weird thing going on. An officer by the name of Greg Valdez asserts many new theories about Dulce as well, that it was a real base but the aliens were a cover for top secret projects involving ufo's. So far I've named and compiled a lot more names saying something is going on there than people saying there is nothing going on there. Bill Nye, Snopes, or the UFO Hunters aren't enough to convince me there's nothing to it.
There may be nothing going on there in which case it was a hoax made for a reason.
Things don't just spread for no reason in cases like this. That makes less sense than aliens.

In addition? Reports of cattle mutilations in the area with photos:

DGO | Underground aliens and cattle mutilations: Dulce, New Mexico has long been the site of strange activity and conspiracy theories

Yeah, the guy's name is Gomez, try not to laugh (Addams family).
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