UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum and his Time Machine (Art Bell 1995)


Senior Member
Mad Man Marcum hasn't been on-air yet, but Art said he's going to have him as a guest in the near future.
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New Member
You would think that if someone is gonna step into a vortex they would take there wallet with them and not just go empty handed,if this guys says he went 2 years into the future i think his social security should be ran on those missing years and a lie detector test should also be ran on him.


Senior Member
It is time for me to talk about Johnathan or Jonathan Single or Signal Seven.
His voice is very similar to Mad Man Mike Marcum and his voice is also similar to Oliver Williams, the webmaster of JohnTitor.Com.
Mike was arrested in 1995 because he stole transformers to power his time travel experiments.
He is from the South Dakota or Missouri area.
His grammar and vocabulary indicate to me that he is highly educated.
But from his tone and word choice, he is pretending to be a little uneducated.
He is completely fabricating his story of the Greys Mim and changing the weather.
He wants people to believe he is unhinged while at the same time conveying an important message.
He says he is from 2063. He is 32 in 1995 when he speaks on the Art Bell Show.
He says he had a formal education, unlike John Titor.
He is telling the truth about several near future events.
He says he is an Agricultural Technician. He is telling the truth about that.
His interview is on YouTube for your listening pleasure.
Art Bell-Time Traveler 1/7
I believe Mike is a messenger. He was conditioned to relay messages between time travelers.


Temporal Engineer
I think you are confusing Madman Marcum with Single Seven. Madman Marcum is the one who built a time machine and traveled 2 years into the future. He wound up in 1998 with amnesia. A side effect from the method he chose to travel through time.


Time Travel Professor
Thank You Einstein for correcting Ren.

Much of your posting is not correct about Madman Marcum, please review older posting in this tread.

I found Madman Marcum about two years ago and he was very much well and alive, and doing OK.


Senior Member
Thanks for the corrections.
So Mad Man Marcum was interviewed in 1995.
Single Seven was interviewed in 1998.
Rick from Mississippi calls Marcum in 1995. But Rick sounds just like Single Seven.
Rick sounds like he is conditioning Mike Marcum. There is some kind of subliminal messaging going on here.


Senior Member
Let me explain what I'm getting at.
Having Mike relay messages on the Art Bell show is like using a stranger's smart phone so you won't be caught.
Rick, Single Seven -- they both sound like Oliver Williams.
But what if Oliver Williams is relaying messages and he doesn't even know it?

Yeah, don't forget your wallet. If your world is indoctrinated by evil and hate, then you've got yourself a case of the Jahusafetz!!
Bring back THE LOVE, sing it like The Mike would. And no, not Mike Tyson. Well, Kind Of A George Foreman Grittle.
Muhammad Ali Tiki Tia ??
Jumping Frenchmen of Maine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

O Liver Williams?
Who Now New? What's It To Ya, 'Doc?
Well I Am Living. Can't Fort Knox A Hard Liver On Form Repose.
And No, I'm not Oliver Williams.
Just a learning, loving man.

From the Old Norse name Hallsteinn, derived from the elements hallr "rock" and steinn "stone".
Rock of Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hollister (surname) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hollister is an English family name from the Gloucester region of England, United Kingdom, now most numerous in the United States of America. In 1992, it was estimated there were 2204 households in the USA, 94 in Canada, 81 in Australia, 21 in New Zealand, 3 in Denmark and 371 in Great Britain.


GMT: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 00:34:50 GMT
8/11/1998 8:34:50 PMGMT-4

Tue, 11 Sep 2001 04:00:00 +0000

My ZIP CODE is 32782

As to You, Ren;
Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ
We're going HOME.
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