Verification of Potential Time Travelers

Except the lion's great great grandson was there waiting for the time traveler....

Nope, the time traveller had already gone back in time to check if any of the Lions off spring were waiting for him, and just incase there was a time glitch, he armed himself with a phaser pistol set to automatically disintegrate any Lion before he himself fully materialised...And finally, the only way i can tell you about this story is because that particular time traveller had told it to me himself, just before his time travelling machine blew itself up and also the time-traveller, who was never aware that that would happen to him :p..
I'm not clear what kind of passenger you're talking about.
You absolutely cannot travel to the past or the future if you are a human being in the physical body at that moment.
The paranormal entity of human origin transitions from its dimension to this human dimension with a personalized form of human being, but this form is not in the garment as portrayed in the fake films.

You can only travel if your body is dead, then your soul entity can travel only when it finds itself in the past in a temporal dimension.
She travels with incredible speed with the help of this archival niche, but always only in the future.
I'm not clear what kind of passenger you're talking about.
You absolutely cannot travel to the past or the future if you are a human being in the physical body at that moment.
The paranormal entity of human origin transitions from its dimension to this human dimension with a personalized form of human being, but this form is not in the garment as portrayed in the fake films.

You can only travel if your body is dead, then your soul entity can travel only when it finds itself in the past in a temporal dimension.
She travels with incredible speed with the help of this archival niche, but always only in the future.

Why is it that your hypothesis on time-travel only refers to the Soul?
What is your reason, hypothetically, that prevents human beings from time-travelling? :confused: :)..
And finally, the only way i can tell you about this story is because that particular time traveller had told it to me himself, just before his time travelling machine blew itself up and also the time-traveller, who was never aware that that would happen to him :p..

Obviously it was the lion's great great great great great great great great grandson who after obtaining extraordinary intelligence developed his own time machine for the sole purpose of revenge.
The ways to verify time travellers are these as far as I can tell:

1. Ask a question about the future: Unreliable - How many details, within any given week, would you know if transported any time in the last decade? I know major things like presidents getting elected, but like. 6th June 2015? It'd be a year or two before I could prove any future knowledge. Unless something jogged my memory, but that's an unpredictable mechanism to rely on.

2. Artifacts from the future: Falsifiable I guess. Paperwork obviously, but also any technology is either going to be understandable and feasibly created by a person now, or understandable and will cause a huge leap in our tech. Time travellers tend to be against this in popular lore - not sure why, might just be so the possiblity of time travel can still exist, cause that's more fun. There's the whole "huge unintended consequences thing" but anyone testing time travel equipment is probably messing with those forces anyway. Or the technology can't be understood, and it can't be replicated, and then it'll be a mystery but you can safely bet that most people will jump to some other conclusion than time travel. Like the anachronistic mechanisms (Out-of-place artifact - Wikipedia) in various places, though those have all been mostly proven to have an explanation other than time travel. Even when they weren't proven to be normal items, people were speculating and time travel was still one of the crazier/less often believed speculations. Only those predisposed to believe in time travel are likely to believe that conclusion, even if someone comes back and claims they are a time traveller, and gives an example of anachronistic tech.

3. The question I haven't asked yet: Relies on them being able to rapidly travel forwards and backwards, instead of like.... a terminator style time machine where it takes a lot of energy, is one way etc. Though as with all speculations of time travel, there's no reason to believe it's one way or another really.

If anyone else has other methods I'd be fascinated to hear it. I love this stuff (as you may be able to tell)
Why is it that your hypothesis on time-travel only refers to the Soul?
What is your reason, hypothetically, that prevents human beings from time-travelling? :confused::)..

Traveling is happening at a high speed, so the physical body cannot travel because it is currently of material origin and would age as it travels to the past or future, changing the structure and form of bodily functions.
At this speed it would deform
