Warning on time travel misuse, heed all


Senior Member
Warning on time travel misuse, heed all, who would misuse the privilege of being able to time travel: An advisement.

In the attempt and use of time travel, a lot can go wrong. There's the go-wrong when your'e stuck there without a way out of a jump in time. This can be due to technical probs with your time machines or some circumstantial during the time jump.

There's also certain acts that in no way anyone's NOT supposed to be doing. These acts can get the traveler in trouble with agents who patrol these time-lane known as time police.

It seems and this is an "I' just saying " deal, is to try to change a timeline, such as a certain president should not befall a certain, so whoever's going to time travel to try to correct this situation. This action usually screws up more issues, than when you started out.

The second try that charges head-long into the blades of the living room fan, is trying to patch up some past personal issue or situation in one's personal life. What usually occurs when a traveler starts to gump up issues that way, is the time cops show up.

These may be men in black with suits-like characters. Of lizzy type aliens, complete with time travel gadgetry. Or still yet, other agents come to observes one's time travel faux pass.* Faux pass, ' foe pa', French, mistake or goof

The actions they can take, are returning the errant actioned traveler to their point of departure. This undesired return, with a busted T-machine. They can stun you, plus erase one's memory, or worse!

I don't know if anyone's been to an outdoors celebration to where Uncle Ed shows up drunk again and because he's not on his weight reduction meds, steps on the garden hose watering the plants. This gimpy hose in contrast to gigantic Ed just blows apart? Well time-lines are constructed a little like a garden hose.

The funny thing is, is that time lines are alive, in a way that seems unreal. They can adjust themselves, yeah this is known. They are capable of taking in both information to adjust to any clause along with various forms of stuff & objects. Yep' this is known too.

However' if your'e going to try and extricate some object. And this would be, like a land marker, or a person, a living thing from one time line and attempt to place this person, item, in another T.L. , more than likely a time cop will show up.

Getting back to fat Uncle Ed and how he destroyed the birthday cake at little Effy's party. This situ to where Bill & Ted threw his fat ass over the fence into the alley,..mmgh, this doesn't always happen. That time cop could show, warn you once or disable your machine,.. but don't ever dare try the patients of a time cop twice?

If the advice based in good logical time travel, say to really see the event for yourself and " is it all that they were saying via histories' reporting', to be all that was supposed to be, okay then. Maybe then, time travel?
But know in the line letter and paragraph structure of this sorry assed adviso, somewhere left in some timelines of who knows where, there the remains, or living effects locked into infinity, compositures, of T-travelers that did not heed the warnings of a time cop.

*Some thing is history, one cannot just change, period. And you can take that advice, for whatever it's worth.
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Senior Member
Warning on time travel misuse, heed all, who would misuse the privilege of being able to time travel: An advisement.

In the attempt and use of time travel, a lot can go wrong. There's the go-wrong when your'e stuck there without a way out of a jump in time. This can be due to technical probs with your time machines or some circumstantial during the time jump.

There's also certain acts that in no way anyone's NOT supposed to be doing. These acts can get the traveler in trouble with agents who patrol these time-lane known as time police.

It seems and this is an "I' just saying " deal, is to try to change a timeline, such as a certain president should not befall a certain, so whoever's going to time travel to try to correct this situation. This action usually screws up more issues, than when you started out.

The second try that charges head-long into the blades of the living room fan, is trying to patch up some past personal issue or situation in one's personal life. What usually occurs when a traveler starts to gump up issues that way, is the time cops show up.

These may be men in black with suits-like characters. Of lizzy type aliens, complete with time travel gadgetry. Or still yet, other agents come to observes one's time travel faux pass.* Faux pass, ' foe pa', French, mistake or goof

The actions they can take, are returning the errant actioned traveler to their point of departure. This undesired return, with a busted T-machine. They can stun you, plus erase one's memory, or worse!

I don't know if anyone's been to an outdoors celebration to where Uncle Ed shows up drunk again and because he's not on his weight reduction meds, steps on the garden hose watering the plants. This gimpy hose in contrast to gigantic Ed just blows apart? Well time-lines are constructed a little like a garden hose.

The funny thing is, is that time lines are alive, in a way that seems unreal. They can adjust themselves, yeah this is known. They are capable of taking in both information to adjust to any clause along with various forms of stuff & objects. Yep' this is known too.

However' if your'e going to try and extricate some object. And this would be, like a land marker, or a person, a living thing from one time line and attempt to place this person, item, in another T.L. , more than likely a time cop will show up.

Getting back to fat Uncle Ed and how he destroyed the birthday cake at little Effy's party. This situ to where Bill & Ted threw his fat ass over the fence into the alley,..mmgh, this doesn't always happen. That time cop could show, warn you once or disable your machine,.. but don't ever dare try the patients of a time cop twice?

If the advice based in good logical time travel, say to really see the event for yourself and " is it all that they were saying via histories' reporting', to be all that was supposed to be, okay then. Maybe then, time travel?
But know in the line letter and paragraph structure of this sorry assed adviso, somewhere left in some timelines of who knows where, there the remains, or living effects locked into infinity, compositures, of T-travelers that did not heed the warnings of a time cop.

*Some thing is history, one cannot just change, period. And you can take that advice, for whatever it's worth.
I've got to make this semi-legal as many of you either really time travel, attempt to or are just venturing into this field. So this advisory is give generic, as in like generic products, so that potential binding does not occur and is a sample of natural time travel with occupants traveling within the event.

Again can't say where or when but two ladies in this relative time notch, which is a sot in a time era fifty to one hundred years in time, went to a country that was noted for its palatial spacious grounds. These grounds had walkways that were paved. Gardens and caretakers. The buildings were famous and kept as close to their original condition as possible.

These two ladies were enjoying a walk through these palatial grounds when all of a sudden the entire character of the grounds, somehow seemed different.

There was no occasional person, with either the at knee pleated skirt, along with a women's sport coat. This suiting with an identifying name-tag placed near the breast lapel of the jacket. These monikers were strangely absent and figures seemed to loom that appeared as if the were real palace guards, attired in three centuries back in time, era uniforms.

There were no electrical receptacles, nor sprinkler systems, which would have been an indication they were in modern times. The entire nature of the air had changed and it seemed that while the presentation of batteries of flowers were still present within the sprawling gardens. Albeit, there was no assurance to these women were within the time slot, that they had wandered into the gardens to. ..All had changed.

They ascended the steps taking extra caution to try and appear as if they were normal visitor to the grounds persons. While the guards noticed them, they did not seem to react.

What they found as they climbed to the top flight landing, bordering on what were supposed to be now a vacant building, were now furniture filled provincially furnished rooms. Held in these rooms, were people that wore clothing from that two hundred year ago period of society.

They became socially shocked and concerned for their welfare. This is as this change of viewing venue, was in no way pre-advertised within the brochure guides they held within their hands. These brochures now mysteriously missing. For all intent purposes, it seemed to the awareness to them, they where with all, that time had ratcheted back two hundred years. With the platen of events including them upon it. They became a little worried.

*What happens in this little story, is they venture for a while yet, still with no one confronting them as to their twentieth century clothes and accessories. But some how the time phase shifting process that took them back two hundred years, reversed itself.
All of a sudden down the steps of the cobbled paved pathways, sprinkler heads, trash-cans and grounds keepers with assistants attired in green sportscoats, now made their welcome presence known.

All was again normal and back to the time issues should have been.

*Why I'm sharing this little story to you, in the face of certain cautions, is that through process known as natural time shift, people places and any objects including in these fields can be placed into other times, or realities. This probably happens in the universe based upon a daily basis.

> Why Uncle Randolph is telling you this little tidbit of information, is to indicate to the unwary concerning time travel, that these two ladies as given protective anonymity, handled themselves beautifully.
They didn't panic. They both viewed and took in the detail surrounding themselves, within a careful dutiful blend of curiosity and wonder. Lastly, they didn't choke the bunny, or situation, but allowed events within this unitized time jump to acquire its end to a logical conclusion.

It seemed somehow that the timeline itself, was aware of these two adventures into this majesty of royal gardens and they came out of their little time travel jaunt. This unscheduled visitation, with all of the awe & wonder and, none the worse for wear for their change of view.

# Contrasting what I've given here, to possibly messing with a timeline; I hope that if your'e going to time travel, that you will A. read. B. Use good equipment as well as common sense in your visited to environment. C. And if your'e going to travel to a certain period of time, that you will look and act the part. Don't be a worried sore thumb sticking out.
Good and useful time travel is possible, but oft times there are complications, when a traveler begins to goof things up. Thank you

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Senior Member
@lamdo263 The only time that you can start pontificating about time-travel, is when you have successfully traveled through time yourself, which i dont believe for one second you ever have....I have a very simple little test for you to take which will prove to all our members and myself, that you really can time travel...

No doubt you will come up with a litany of excuses for REFUSING to take the test which all of us has seen before with other fake wannabe time-travellers that came onto Paranormalis :LOL:..


Senior Member
@lamdo263 The only time that you can start pontificating about time-travel, is when you have successfully traveled through time yourself, which i dont believe for one second you ever have....I have a very simple little test for you to take which will prove to all our members and myself, that you really can time travel...

No doubt you will come up with a litany of excuses for REFUSING to take the test which all of us has seen before with other fake wannabe time-travellers that came onto Paranormalis :LOL:..
" Tugs on Time Flipper's coat ", can't discuss this with you, here, buddy. This is a p.s., or public service posting. If you want to start separate topic thread, in another area, then do that. No more, bye bye.
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Senior Member
" Tugs on Time Flipper's coat ", can't discuss this with you, here, buddy. This is a p.s., or publics service thread. If you want to start separate topic thread, in another area, then do that. No more, bye bye.
Number 1 excuse, not as good as previous fake wannabe time travellers, try harder next time..
I believe the astral plane and or lucid state puts you into a timeless “illusion” The physical time travel aspect I’m completely clueless on how to even go about that besides stuff like FTL travel or near light speed travel.
