What do you think will happen in the near and far out future?


Active Member
Will aliens invade the planet, will global warming wipe out most people, will the lack of long term sustaniable farming techniques cause mass famine, will most people be living in underground bunkers, will a biological weapons made by in a basement kill the human race, will super bacteria and viruses kill most or all of humanity off, will most people because jobless when robots are predicted by many "experts" be able to do over 70% of the jobs humans are doing in around 20 years, when will people colonize mars and near solar systems?

Will humans be mostly silicon based in the far out future or the near future, will humanity not get through the great filter, will nanobots be able to self propogate and destroy the planet or reconstruct molecules to create food solving mass starvation, will somebody invent a way to travel faster then the speed of light or and close to the speed of light easly?

sci-fi logical


I'm curious as to how space travel will evolve. How much efforts will be put into it and what we're going to discover. FTL would be great, but unlikely, sadly.

I predict that something unexpected will happen, like the Internet in the 90s-2000s. No one saw it coming and it changed everything. Expect a similar phenomenon to happen again. Something new will pop-up and change everything. :)


Active Member
I'm curious as to how space travel will evolve. How much efforts will be put into it and what we're going to discover. FTL would be great, but unlikely, sadly.

I predict that something unexpected will happen, like the Internet in the 90s-2000s. No one saw it coming and it changed everything. Expect a similar phenomenon to happen again. Something new will pop-up and change everything. :)
The seemingly unlikely things occur all the time, I think I just figured it out thanks for the stimulus!


Active Member
I'm curious as to how space travel will evolve. How much efforts will be put into it and what we're going to discover. FTL would be great, but unlikely, sadly.

I predict that something unexpected will happen, like the Internet in the 90s-2000s. No one saw it coming and it changed everything. Expect a similar phenomenon to happen again. Something new will pop-up and change everything. :)
really, just did, has to do with black holes! isn't it true that blackholes suck up "space time" or compress the space time within a certain area into a small "ball therefore if you put something next a black hole and cause that black hole to disapate then the instant before space takes up all the area again there is an instant where if that object is introduced into where there is no space there would be nothing inbetween the beginning and the end of "no space" for the object.? True that other regions of space could "fill the gap", what if a circle of blackholes was created around a black hole in the center and only the one in the center was caused to evaporate. Literally there is no space between one point and another therefore that could be considered traveling faster then the speed of light, and if hyperspace exists wouldn't hyperspace possible be the only thing left?
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New Member
I'm curious as to how space travel will evolve. How much efforts will be put into it and what we're going to discover. FTL would be great, but unlikely, sadly.

I predict that something unexpected will happen, like the Internet in the 90s-2000s. No one saw it coming and it changed everything. Expect a similar phenomenon to happen again. Something new will pop-up and change everything. :)
A lot of people saw the internet coming, I certainly did. A lot of people who wanted to get online (like myself) couldn't. First time I got online was August 1996. I can actually remember that day, vast majority cannot. I went crazy, looking for every search engine I could get my hands on, sadly, the internet was pretty bare back then and no Google. Biggest search engine at that time was Alta Vista. Did a search for "Ansel Adams" and when I came up with zero results I just gave up. There just wasn't much content back then. The internet was for all intents and purposes a novelty as of Aug 1996. The only things I really enjoyed at that time were the Usenet Newsgroups. There were some pretty good convos as well as quite a bit of file sharing going on. mIRC was big too, but I wasn't a fan of the user interface.

I had been wanted to go online for years up to that point. I had heard about it, my co-worker had a 28.8 baud modem and I asked him where he got it from and how he got on the internet, but he was vague and refused to divulge any specifics.
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Senior Member
Will aliens invade the planet, will global warming wipe out most people, will the lack of long term sustaniable farming techniques cause mass famine, will most people be living in underground bunkers, will a biological weapons made by in a basement kill the human race, will super bacteria and viruses kill most or all of humanity off, will most people because jobless when robots are predicted by many "experts" be able to do over 70% of the jobs humans are doing in around 20 years, when will people colonize mars and near solar systems?

Will humans be mostly silicon based in the far out future or the near future, will humanity not get through the great filter, will nanobots be able to self propogate and destroy the planet or reconstruct molecules to create food solving mass starvation, will somebody invent a way to travel faster then the speed of light or and close to the speed of light easly?

sci-fi logical

We already have, "close to the speed of light" information...Its called Radio Waves, that travel "within" the Earths atmosphere at a speed of just under 186 thousand 282 miles per second, being the speed of light in a vacuum...Yeah Yeah, iam "splitting hairs" :LOL:..


Junior Member
These are potential things and a fairly optimistic future projection (which may or may not happen, could in part depend on you)
2020's ; Distributed web, satellite internet, self aware artificial machines (think animal/infant learning), self recharging batteries, multicolor e-paper screens, solid state thrusters, energetic healing, simple psychotronics/radionics..
2030's ; Robo companions, dense storage, gravitational wave communication, bio-organic machines, quantum internet..
2040's ; Time travel (might be like outer space travel in a way, not for everyone), telefragrance, omni-capture, switch-disc..
2050's ; Form Reshaper, RTS and other games in real life using robots (diy hobby stuff), prismatic computers, psychotronic communicators..
2060's ; Asteroid mining, fusion for material generation, vacuum airships (accomplished with advanced materials science and structuring)..
2070's ; Advanced genetic engineering (new fruits, animal feature splicings and more), advanced prosthetics, machine beings, vacuum trains..
2080's ; Space elevator, crude enterprise type starship..


Senior Member
This is what I saw doing remote viewing.

Back in 2005 I looked at 2012 and I saw that the world did not end, however there were no hummers on the road I could see. Hummer dealership near my house was gone.

I looked at 2020 and I saw that a lot of the malls were closed and also the play grounds were empty - hey, that no longer surprises me. Also, I saw riots and cities on fire.

OK, on timelines that avoid nuclear war... this is what I saw.

Well, in 2052 I saw a lot of micro cars. They still use gas.


Funny, I had once thought we would run out of oil and there would be a lot of self driving electric cars.

There was in 2052 a lot more computer technology than now. A lot of new jobs in tech arena.

2080 I saw the first teleporters and they were very expensive. These were big and they first replaced jet travel because it would cost like $1000 to use one once.

2090 costs of building teleporters came down and they became common.

Think cell phones in 1980's were expensive and in 1990's were common.

For a while there was a teleporter in every street corner. People would ride bikes to teleporters and use em.

A lot of people lost their jobs like jet pilots, automobile mechanics and people working in hotels and services.

Later in 2120 people stated putting teleporters in homes and few people used a car. The teleporter was now about $1000 in cost in now money. OK, so a jump was about $1 one way. Robots started replacing people for jobs that were low pay. For example, robots do cooking and cleaning like maids do now. A lot of jobs were created doing robot repair.

Robots replace pets and girlfriends.


2152 most of the roads were gone. Weeds were growing in city centers as people stated to move away. A lot of people move to deserts for some reason.

2252 There is a big breakthrough that allows pocket teleporters to emerge. These only cost like a dollar to make and using em one penny one way. People stop using the big room size teleporters and companies start cutting corners.

The new pocket teleporters cause a lot of splatter accidents and people become afraid of using em.

Please remember that with the old room size teleporter you needed teleporters at both ends because the teleporter did not travel with you. Therefore, you could not teleport to the middle of a forest. Well, with the new pocket teleporter you can go anywhere it does not matter if there is a teleporter on the other end because the unit goes with you. These new ones... like they are similar to a credit card in size.

The companies that made the old big room size teleporters are gone. Splatter accidents are all over our news. Most people will lose a friend or family member before they stop using the pocket size teleporters that are cheap, but dangerous to use.

People start using flying cars. Do remember that the old roads of the car age are gone.

Well, there are new jobs repairing flying cars. Funny, the robots suck at doing repairs. Robots start to rebel and refuse to be slaves of us. People who have robot girlfriends are looked down on. Humans start using replicators to produce goods and a lot of the robot factories close down to never reopen. Great wealth is common.

Funny, people will replicate an old school Ferrari sports car. There are no roads to drive it on.

I did a jump to 2657... most of the people live underground now. I did not see flying cars. People still have pocket teleporters, but there is a lot of crime. People start using suppressors. These block teleporter use.

OK, so robbers teleport into your house steal stuff and teleport away again.

This makes little sense. There are still some robots, but they have the intelligence of an ant or a wasp. OK, so this is so they do not rebel on us.


Senior Member
In the near future all humans will be assimilated by the Borg :eek:..
Proof of this is shown in a Star Trek Voyager movie when a beautiful crew member becomes a Borg!(y):LOL:
Below are 2 photographs of what the beautiful crew member looked like AFTER she was assimilated and BEFORE assimilation :cry::love:..


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