what is a good tv show with 100 percent true ghost storys


I guess that thanks to over embellishment by {tv-cable-satellite and their 'hollywood'} directors, to create a bigger story out of an actuality, nothing is EVER 100% truth.

The only truths to any story is in the eye(s) of the beholder, it begs the question, "what is it YOU believe?"

In my personal opinion and experience, the only way most will admit to saying something is 100% true or accurate..is by being a beholder, witnessing the event first hand and critically investigating all probable causes until everything (up to the paranormal) is absolutely ruled out.

Even then...100% truth is still likely to go unbelieved. Psychologically speaking, I think most would rather absolutely forget than be ridiculed, labeled a wacko.

As far as witnessing an actual exorcism of a home, again, (thanks to 'Hollywood') would probably be a screaming yawn for most people.

A live exorcism will be performed on TV Friday. Here’s what to expect.

^^A minor exorcism ritual that caused a major wave....and a let down. No loud bangs, booms or disembodied voices screaming "get out!!"

The realities of a true, full blown Exorcism are never usually spoken about, ever. For a reason.
It's not up for debate.

this is why 100% truth of anything paranormal no longer exists.

It's all in the eyes of the beholder.

Matt Cole

New Member
I agree. I caught it once, during a trip in Pennsylvania. Since then, I have it .....!
Yeah, I think they balanced it well. The idea of neither speaking to each other (to compare notes) until the end makes for a compelling show. I have no doubt they splice it down to the relative portions among each other. Yet, it makes for good viewing.

I have heard of burning sage, but not lavender. Personally, I still lean toward the individual's belief and faith in regards to these cleansing, over rituals and mantras. (shrug)

Thanks for the reply bluejay_1919
