What Is The Best Question?

the answer is the question itself..

but other good Q's might be...

why do we do what we do?

why do we not know why we do what we do?

meaning of life?

do i exist?

is this a dream?

whats the point?

whats a better question i didnt think of?...lol

When it comes to questions I think your title question is the best question..... Socrates would be pleased.

What is the best question..??

A great question indeed.
You will never find the right answers, until you ask the right questions.
The problem is knowing what questions to ask.
Sometimes we never know what things we don't know.
We may not even know that there is an answer to ask questions about.
Kinda like having a solution without a problem that needs one.
This is a short story i read ages ago:

Many many years ago a young boy goes wandering into a dense forest and comes across, The Great Thinker, who looked at the young boy in a very threatening manner :oops:..

The Great thinker said to the boy, one thousand years ago a question was put to me which i had to answer, and finally i have come up with the answer...During that thousand years, i vowed that when i finally had the answer, i would kill the first person that i saw!:eek:..

The young boy replied to the Great Thinker, Sir, before you kill me, may i ask you one question??...The Great Thinker said, yes you can..
The young boy then said, who was God talking to when he said, let there be light?..

The Great Thinker then sat down on a rock, and here he sits today ;)..

