What skills are required to build a Time machine, Flux Capacitor, HDR, etc?


Senior Member
@Angelhairhead123 You already have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips within the forums on Paranormalis, and you can choose an area that appeals to "you"...For example, you dont have to be a math expert or a fantastic construction engineer to become involved with Time-Travel, we already have those experts right here on Paranormalis to seek advice from..

The theoretical side of Time-Travel might appeal more to you, and again we already have those experts...The lists go on and on...
In my opinion, what you need to do firstly is to read as much as you can on Paranormalis, and discover for yourself a subject that appeals mostly to you (y) :)..


Senior Member
Unfortunately, I don't think anyone on this site can help you build a time machine, but I think Einstein or TimeFlipper may be of help with the other stuff. I may be wrong about the time machine part, though.

Yes you are wrong about Einstein and me not being helpful on the Time-Travel journeys, both us are working together to get our De-Lorian cars upto exactly 88 miles per hour (MPH) simultaneously, so that we can create a controllable teleportive Time-Rift from his country to mine..

We will be charging a small amount of money for the Time-Travel journeys, but of course you can travel free of charge ;) :LOL:..


New Member
Before all this, i would consider the reason why you would like to transverse a line to another?

Is it to right a personal wrong ?

If what you are trying to say is if I would like to time travel to correct personal wrongs then the answer would be no.
I have no interest in fixing my own mistakes since I know fixing those tiny or large mistakes I've made in the past could possibly make the future worse. My intent of time travelling isn't to fix my wrongdoings.
My main intent is mostly to study the past. To acquire an abundance of knowledge by watching history through my own eyes. I've always had a fascination in history and fantasy worlds ever since I was young. I love history with a passion and seeing it with my own eyes would be mind boggling. I don't plan on changing the past since I know it could have devastating effects but rather, I want to see what really happened in history, to see the real truths in history and not the lies we are told on a daily basis in our school system.

However, we can all agree that time travel and its effects are still foggy and mostly unknown. So I wonder whether taking a time machine could send me to another dimension or universe that has a different way of history(Maybe Hitler won WWII or the confederacy won in the civil war). Maybe history could change every time you go back in time(even if you aren't personally affecting it).

That's my main reason of time travelling. Thoughts?


New Member
@Angelhairhead123 You already have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips within the forums on Paranormalis, and you can choose an area that appeals to "you"...For example, you dont have to be a math expert or a fantastic construction engineer to become involved with Time-Travel, we already have those experts right here on Paranormalis to seek advice from..

The theoretical side of Time-Travel might appeal more to you, and again we already have those experts...The lists go on and on...
In my opinion, what you need to do firstly is to read as much as you can on Paranormalis, and discover for yourself a subject that appeals mostly to you (y):)..

Thank you for the advice. I will make sure to start reading more information on Paranormalis.


New Member
"A High School kid could build a real working Time Machine, with the right tools and information". This will be the case sooner than later.

NOTE: If I was the high school kid, I would not believe all with the crazy teacher’s teach you. Most of them do not know what they’re talking about especially the people of science. To be a winner, you simply need to do one thing: study in high school and get good grades with the bad information they teach you there. You’ll need it in the future for jobs and basic understanding the principles that you will need in adult life.

Next step: Start thinking outside the box and questioning why some things everyone has agreed to in science as fact. Expand your mind and be open to new frontiers of new possibilities and you’ll get your answers to time and space which no teacher or professor can teach you. You must learn this on your own and train yourself to listen to the true voice within you for guidance and direction. You may be surprised that you are that high schooler spoken of above.

Professor Opmmur

It's not that I don't trust my teachers. I just don't trust what they teach. The reason teacher's are crazy is because these teachers don't do experiments to find the truth but rather they just accept it from sources they know and trust(Which means they believe they know the truth). That's why they're crazy. I do feel pity for those teachers but it's their own wrongdoing to believe what's put in front of you is true.

When it comes to certain topics, I tend to wonder how could these teachers say they know this if they haven't experimented on it. Since I'm going into my sophomore year of high school, I'm thinking I should start carrying around a notebook to take notes of these supposed scientific truths the teachers tell us and put them into a section of my notebook where I could experiment upon these "scientific truths" later when I have the right equipment(Here comes a theory: What if our equipment we use for science is actually rigged to give certain responses to keep secrets away from the normal human's eyes). Hopefully I will be able to find the real truth in the future. I also will use the book to write down unnatural occurrences that happen throughout the day I would like to do some more research on. I think a scientific journal will really help me.

Thank you for your help Opmmur. Stay bright.


Senior Member
With regard to the rise of germany has to go back as you know to the defeat in WW1.

But still the support they were given from USA, for purposes of money.

An the usage of the tech by there scientists whom the USA took and the Russians and the ones that escaped.

Look into the Vrils and the Thules if you want answers into theirs techs and how they made movements into asia,.


Senior Member
It's not that I don't trust my teachers. I just don't trust what they teach. The reason teacher's are crazy is because these teachers don't do experiments to find the truth but rather they just accept it from sources they know and trust(Which means they believe they know the truth). That's why they're crazy. I do feel pity for those teachers but it's their own wrongdoing to believe what's put in front of you is true.

When it comes to certain topics, I tend to wonder how could these teachers say they know this if they haven't experimented on it. Since I'm going into my sophomore year of high school, I'm thinking I should start carrying around a notebook to take notes of these supposed scientific truths the teachers tell us and put them into a section of my notebook where I could experiment upon these "scientific truths" later when I have the right equipment(Here comes a theory: What if our equipment we use for science is actually rigged to give certain responses to keep secrets away from the normal human's eyes). Hopefully I will be able to find the real truth in the future. I also will use the book to write down unnatural occurrences that happen throughout the day I would like to do some more research on. I think a scientific journal will really help me.

Thank you for your help Opmmur. Stay bright.
Teachers can be wrong - especially high school teachers. They can misremember, for example.

Is easy to confuse whether two quarks or three quarks make up a proton if you are simply teaching high school physics (like me) where the subject isn't even in the curriculum.

And it's true that most high school teachers provide information that doesn't come from their own experimentation. But you should realize that the known information regarding physics (and all other sciences) results from MULTIPLE researchers performing experiments and independently arriving at the same results.

On the other hand, my physics class does some experimentation and confirms the knowledge imparted to them from me and the text.

This is why I linked you to MIT's open source classrooms. It's also why I wouldn't recommend merely reading at some paranormal forum to get your information.
After all, these posters aren't professionals in the subject - the guys at MIT are.

You'll never know for sure if you don't learn for yourself how the universe works.



New Member
Teachers can be wrong - especially high school teachers. They can misremember, for example.

Is easy to confuse whether two quarks or three quarks make up a proton if you are simply teaching high school physics (like me) where the subject isn't even in the curriculum.

And it's true that most high school teachers provide information that doesn't come from their own experimentation. But you should realize that the known information regarding physics (and all other sciences) results from MULTIPLE researchers performing experiments and independently arriving at the same results.

On the other hand, my physics class does some experimentation and confirms the knowledge imparted to them from me and the text.

This is why I linked you to MIT's open source classrooms. It's also why I wouldn't recommend merely reading at some paranormal forum to get your information.
After all, these posters aren't professionals in the subject - the guys at MIT are.

You'll never know for sure if you don't learn for yourself how the universe works.


You make a good point. It's not easy learning from other people about how science works because of the flaws you have explained to me. In that case, I know that I shouldn't take just anything someone says for truth and instead come to conclusions on my own. Thank you once again Harte. :)


Senior Member
In a high school Physics, Biology, or Chemistry class, you can certainly count on the information you get being correct.
The problem is that what you're interested in is FAR above the level of any high school curriculum.

