Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Sep 28 2004, 03:49 PM
Didn't want to endure eternal fires, eh? It's not so bad, in fact: they give you two weeks off a year, and mostly you go cool off in the other parts of hell where everyone else lives.

Welcome and thanks for your help in the Darby episode.

I think that the notion 'I was good at it!' wasn't a great reason to stay in law... UT Law prepares you to be a great lawyer, but not necessarily a great person. I saw too many peers turn into 'machines of destruction' and I watched their values change dramatically. I still love the practice of law, just not necessarily the future time-share participants in Hell... :) I found that social gatherings ended up being widdled down to 'lawyer hangouts' and we argued more than pondered great things. I wanted more than that.
I have enough law firm clients now that I get my daily fix of law... so, it's not too bad. But, then again, I could be guilty by association!

All kidding aside, I do respect lawyers and they have a completely necessary part of our existence these days. Heck, you can see that in the Darby episode. Empty, threatening ideas had to be checked by a knowing individual (you) that lives in that world and could provide kind counsel. I just couldn't eat, sleep, and breathe it like I can engineering. I didn't like what I was becoming.

Thanks for the welcome!
Who Are You?

TimmyG steps up to the mic smiling... tap tap tap "uhh, is this thing ON?"
Greetings All ~
Born & Raised in St. Louis Mo.

He bows, pauses - and with cat like reflexes dodges the hook, and exits stage left.
Who Are You?

A very interesting and well said intro Timmy. Thanks for some background on who you are. You've made some great posts so far in other threads. You're gonna fit in just fine here. Again, welcome to the plantation.

Who Are You?


I'm a newbie to this forum and I'm not really sure how I got here...by some well-placed google search, I'm sure, but here I be!

I am a transplanted Texan....yet more Earthly than Texan. (though if you listen to Kenny Rogers, it's the same thing)

Lately I've been interested in prophecies and time travel....my theories revolve around the fact that I believe everybody travels time. Since the "now" is all there is...we basically travel back and forth in time to recreate our pasts and futures to make the now the way we want it. We create the reality in which we live. A creator is someone that creates...and since we do that...we are just as timeless as anything else.

The prophecies I'm concerned with, as of now, are related to December 12, 2012, at 11:11...

I suppose I'll let this sink in, and if anybody has any questions for me...feel free...to ask.

Great day!

*walks off in his sandals*
Who Are You?

Welcome, CreoAmadeo.

You are in good company here. There are many members here who share your interest. Be sure to check out the discussion on 11:11.

Who Are You?

Hello all!

My name is Brandon V. and I am currently in my 3rd year attending the University of Northern Iowa. I am 21, 5' 7", pierced ears, tattoos etc.

I grew up in a small town about 20 miles from campus, but I live in town here. Living on my own for the first time!

I am a History major. I enjoy reliving events from the past through story and text. People say I have always had a gift for retelling events in an acurate way, and that interest in telling others of past events is what got me into History (and History Ed.)

I work 2 jobs on campus. I set up for various events in the student union. It is mostly moving tables but sometimes I get to set up for more important events. (Presidential Candidates, various demi-celebrities). The other job I enjoy much more; working lights and sound in an auditorium on campus.

About this time last year I came in contact with John Titor and like many I read as much as I could as quick as I could. I have been watching the site, and others, since then as well as keeping an eye on the world. I don't know what I would consider myself when it comes to believer or non believer. I keep an open mind no matter what I am dealing with, so I suppose that puts me somewhere in the middle. I can see aspects of both fact and fiction in the JT story, but that doesn't make it any less exciting!

When it comes to America and the potential for a US civil war I am conflicted. Being into History has given me a chance to try to step into the shoes of many historical figures. This is often in my mind when I think of such things. It has happened before, and I believe it could happen again.

I guess I would describe my political views as quite ?liberal?. At the very least, I think both Bush and Kerry are representatives of a culture and way of life that will never be able to understand what it means to be a middle class Midwesterner. (money, power and all that.)

I am always open for discussion and debate and I like to think that I am able to always keep it civil. Feel free to email me or use AOL Instant messenger; I?d be more than happy to chat.
Who Are You?

A warm welcome to you Brandon! The forum has it's own chat applet floating around somewhere, please come and join us if you feel so inclined.

I agree with you about Bush and Kerry. Either way you view it, if you vote for one of them, you are choosing the lesser of two evils, and if you vote for someone else, it will mean nothing. That is exactly why the voting and government system in the US needs to see some drastic changes; the richest man shouldn't rule the country; it should be the fairest and most intelligent leader.
Who Are You?

OK...Amendment to my name.

CreoAmadeo has officially become known as Alyxavior.



I should have just used the name in the first place, but...we all make mistakes...

Fun thing about life...you are given the power to fix them.

Who Are You?

That dang Starlord beat me to the 1,000 mark, but here's my own, and I wanted to use it to congratulate everyone on the forum for doing such a fine job hacking through this tangled jungle of time travel claims, theory, and emotion. I appreciate it personally, due to the difficulty of trying to think about the subject and the frightening appearance of this Titor character; and I appreciate it on behalf of posterity, which stands mute nearby smirking.

You are just the greatest bunch of folks I've ever had the honor and pleasure of communicating with, and I do believe that we will eventually humanize the internet if we keep this up. I mean, as it is, it is quirky and excessive enough to qualify as a fine and glorious tool, but it does need quite a bit of softening and subtlety.

When I first logged on last December, at the old site, which we have effectively overtaken and replaced, thank God, I made a single post at the Titor thread and it was ignored for what seemed like months but was really only a few weeks. Then, for some reason, the topic took off and we find ourselves here, still trying to crack the Titor nut. It's because, if we do, we will have advanced civilization dramatically. Think of it. Don't dismiss the question too soon. I think Titor tells us much unwittingly.

I look forward to sparring, and suffering whatever ridicule comes my way, and basking in my new found "importance" here (as I have been dubbed by one of our vanishing future boys). I think you could do worse than read what I write; I've found that my everyday life is enriched by reading what all of you write. These are dangerous and exciting times to live in. It gives what we write an edge, and it's sharp, cuts deep, and draws blood. You are all, to me, vital and significant. I am grateful to you all, give you my love and cheer for the season, and hope that we eventually together reach some common ground.
