Who Are You?

Who Are You?


Congratulations to you and StarLord on reaching the 1,000 post mark. What a milestone for this forum to be six months old and already having two members with 1,000 posts each. I also noticed that we have crossed over the 400 active members and 15,000 posts marks as well.

I'm sure many of the members here join me in saying thank you to you and StarLord for your contributions insights and wisdom here. I look forward to reading what you, StarLord and many others here have to say. I agree that reading the input of the members here enriches our daily lives. You can't that "out there".

My thanks wouldn't be complete without an acknowledgement of the wonderful staff of moderators and administrators here. You all do a superb job. And a special thanks to the owner of this here plantation, John. Without your leadership, wisdom and commitment, none of this would have been possible.

We are living in interesting times, as the Chinese curse goes. Interesting, dangerous and hopefully changing for the better. My guess is that we will eventually see better times, but not before some "hard" time. Let's just hope that forms of communication as we're afforded here will endure those anticipated hard times. Yeeha. Into the abyss we go.

Your humble servant,

Who Are You?

Name: Polymath Misanthrope (not really...)
Age: I'll tell if you really want to know... (like my name)
Gender: Male
Location: Maricopa County, Arizona
Education: That depends upon my age... Although, I do know quite a lot...
Career: Same as above...
Interesting Events: I don't remember... (seriously)
Preferences: Too many to say...
Interests & Hobbies: Theres quite a few, more than I can remember, although here's a sampler, Information, Data & Computers
Why am I here: I'm interested in what's happening here, and I believe I can add a helping hand.
Opinion on John Titor: Can't tell if he's real or not, although he has an interesting appeal though...
Whats with my Nickname (and Why I'm a Misanthrope): I love knowledge, and I have an adamant dislike for idiots, and since the most part of the human race are idiots, I hate most of mankind.
Opinion on mixed vegetables: I don't like vegetables at all, in fact, I'm against vegetarianism.

That's Pretty much it...
If you have any questions, send me a message...
Who Are You?

Things I like:
jimminy glick
the paranormal
dame edna
george michael
a good movie
good food
good sex
thinking about time travel
astral traveling
tony parsons
nice watches
being alone
ice cream
will n grace
the pet psychic
and of course lexx
and you?
Who Are You?

Polymath and Lexx,

Most interesting posts for each of you. An official welcome to the plantation. Looking forward to your future contributions.

Who Are You?

ack,I missed this thread.

Well, Hi, my names Ken, I am pretty intrested in time travel, and was hoping I could learn a few things.
Who Are You?

Welcome to the plantation again Ken. Hope you get what you're looking for. It's a pretty great place. When compared to what else is out there, it's damned heaven.

Who Are You?

Originally posted by TradeWind@Nov 26 2004, 03:08 AM
ack,I missed this thread.

Well, Hi, my names Ken, I am pretty intrested in time travel, and was hoping I could learn a few things.

Are you a Democratic politician? Take a look at the "Well, well, well..." thread in "Are You One?" Supposedly, you are the fulfillment of a prediction.
Who Are You?

Are you a Democratic politician? Take a look at the \"Well, well, well...\" thread in \"Are You One?\" Supposedly, you are the fulfillment of a prediction.


You're too damned funny pal. OMG, I can't stop laughing. Apparently TradeWind doesn't know, and neither did I for a bit. ROTFLMAO!! Man, this is better than the comedy channel. Thanks for keeping the sanity here. Oh man, this is rich.

Who Are You?

Good evening.

My name is Victor Verster. I am a time traveller, but please don't take that too seriously just now. I may not be staying on this forum.

As short a biography as I can concuct: I was born in the small country of Bhutan in the Himalayas, north of India and directly centred under China. I am thirty-five years old; I enjoy jazz music such as Charles Mingus and the optical art of M.C Escher and Bridget Riley.

I look forward to meeting you all.
