Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Hello everyone,
TAP-TEN Gary here.

I want to give a special shout-out to MudPuppy for her serendipitous intervention & introduction for me into your Time~Fold collective.

The Force has always been with you, you only need too look inward. The answers are all there my son, it was written in the stars from that which we were all made from"

Thanks for having me, I'll be sure to keep you posted of real "Time" sci-fi conversions to reality soon, ...It's Only A Matter of "TIME"

A brief online bio here....

---Gary Voss
TAP-TEN Research


Who Are You?

Hi everyone I'd like to introduce myself. I've been intrigued with the John Titor story for over a year now. I like to read peoples opinions so I come here once n' awhile to see what you guys have to say about all this. I finally signed up to post my comments about the civil war and see what you guys had to say about it. I live in Wisconsin and am a programmer by day. I have 1 son, his name is Jacob and he's 2 and a half.

Any questions feel free to ask.


"I believe that all possible outcomes and events are possible, probable and certain"
Who Are You?

Welcome to everyone I missed or have not welcomed for some reason or another. I greatly look forward to seeing you around and reading your insights.
Who Are You?

Welcome to the plantation rx7lover86. Where abouts in Wisconsin do you live? I spent a few Christmas holidays up in Stevens Point way back when. Great place and great people. So is this place.


P.S. Welcome back, O' Fearless Leader. Good to see you back here John. Hope the time away was good for you pal.
Who Are You?

Welcome rx7lover86. We're glad you're here and hope you enjoy your stay.

John-Boy , we've missed you. Glad to see you around once again.

Who Are You?

Originally posted by CaryP@Nov 30 2004, 04:26 PM
Welcome to the plantation rx7lover86. Where abouts in Wisconsin do you live? I spent a few Christmas holidays up in Stevens Point way back when. Great place and great people. So is this place.


P.S. Welcome back, O' Fearless Leader. Good to see you back here John. Hope the time away was good for you pal.

I'm just north of Milwaukee, just drove through Steven's point a few weeks ago. I enjoy it here in Wisconsin, nice people and small towns. But I wonder what I'm going to do if John's predictions come true. He says we'll need to be on foot most of the time and can't stay anywhere for extended periods of time. It's too cold around here to be runnin around in the forrests in the middle of winter.

"Bring a can of gas with you when the car dies on the side of the road."
Who Are You?


Ok, so I know I?ve been here for a while but I just found this topic so here goes?..

My name is Kathryn, I?m 24 and I live in Canberra, Australia. I have blue eyes and long brown hair.

Unlike most of you here at the forum, I?m not much into Star Trek/Wars, but somehow I found my way here accidentally (I was searching for something completely unrelated) and I got hooked on this whole TT thing and found it really interesting and so here I am quite enjoying all the discussions and my new friends!! *hee hee*

Most of my time growing up I spent dancing. I studied classical ballet til I was about 14 and at one time or another I?ve done most others styles of dance.
While in high school I was a cheerleader for the Canberra Knights (Ice hockey team) in the national league, which was probably one of my favorite things.
I also love singing and have performed at a few different functions over the years, but I?m too shy to do anything else! Hehehe *blushing*

I love eating out, meeting with my friends, movies, music and much more!

Everyone?s so nice here!!
Who Are You?

Thanks PyRo!! :)

I've tried getting into the chat rooms but while I'm at work I can't get in. I'll have to try when I'm at home sometime!!

I think it's something to do with the administrator blocking it or something???
