Who is going to have the Covid Jab?

Bones McCoy

Senior Member
I agree. I personally think this so the puppet masters can conquer the U.S. by resetting the economy so people have to rely on the government. They can take over and control all aspects of our lives and the puppet master gets richer and richer. The sad part is, nobody is fighting back or helping, and the puppet master is basically doing this to Europe, too. We once fought Hitler. Now, people vote for him.
Dave Cullen agrees.



Dave Cullen agrees.

I always said, it's only a matter of time before they install CO2 detectors in our homes and tax us for breathing.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Still unvaccinated in Ontario? Expect a call from the government

Still unvaccinated in Ontario? Expect a call from the government​

'These calls are legitimate': Outreach campaigns to reach the unvaccinated now include phone calls to anyone with a health card

Author of the article:
Deborah Stokes
Publishing date:
Oct 18, 2021 • 10 hours ago • 3 minute read • 734 Comments
A healthcare worker fills a syringe with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Photo by Jennifer Gauthier/Bloomberg
A healthcare worker fills a syringe with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Photo by Jennifer Gauthier/Bloomberg

Canada has reached a vaccination rate of 71 per cent of the population now fully vaccinated, shows the latest health data, thanks to vax vans, mobile clinics and pop-up shots in community centres, arenas and churches.
But millions of Canadians remain who haven’t been vaccinated against COVID-19, due to barriers to access or because they are hesitant or resistant.
Let’s hope this isn’t our new China policy

In Ontario, that number is nearly two million people, according to the latest population figures, and based on a vaccination rate of 83 per cent of the population fully vaccinated.

Now, the unvaccinated in the province can expect a call from the health department.

“Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) wants to inform the public that these calls are legitimate and urges the public to take the opportunity to gain information about the vaccine and to make an appointment for their shot,” the Oct. 14th statement said. Just over 80 per cent of people in the region — 81.3 per cent — are fully vaccinated.

The Ontario Ministry of Health confirms the calls are part of a vaccine outreach campaigns by the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre and are targetting anyone with a health card — but without a vaccination.

“This includes a campaign that is currently ongoing to offer first doses. These calls are from live agents and are only to offer information and an opportunity to book an appointment,” a Ministry spokesperson confirmed in an email.

To reach the unvaccinated, the government is tapping into databases of contact information provided to the Ministry of Health when registering for or renewing a health card, as well as databases “containing information pertaining to vaccines already administered to persons in Ontario,” Anna Miller, a spokesperson with the ministry explained.​

“The Ministry of Health has the authority under section 37(1)(c) of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 to use and link the information from these databases for planning and delivering the COVID-19 vaccination program.

“This includes contacting individuals to encourage vaccination,” Miller said.

A man arrives with two young girls for his shot at the COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto in May, 2021. The two girls did not get vaccinated as children are not yet approved for COVID-19 vaccines in Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn
A man arrives with two young girls for his shot at the COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto in May, 2021. The two girls did not get vaccinated as children are not yet approved for COVID-19 vaccines in Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Other outreach programs in Ontario and elsewhere in the country have ramped up to reach the final groups of unvaccinated, targeting areas with vulnerable populations or low vaccination rates.

The number of people fully vaccinated vary widely by region. Ottawa, for example, is the first health region in Ontario to hit a rate of 90 per cent fully vaccinated rate. Nearby Cornwall has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the province, with only 69 per cent fully vaccinated. It also has one of the highest rates of COVID-19 cases per capita in the province, Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, the area’s medical officer of health, recently told the CBC.

Mobile vaccine units, vax vans and pop-up clinics have gone into vulnerable communities in Ontario and elsewhere in the country to make it easier for those facing language, technological or other barriers to getting their doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. In Montreal, vaccine vans hit parks this summer to reach youth and families with the vaccines. British Columbia also launched a widespread Vax for B.C. outreach program in mid-summer, and is now targetting specific areas with high rates of COVID cases, such as the Fraser Valley.

MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO: AUGUST 26, 2021—A person wearing a mask arrives for vaccination at the Region Of Peel Vax Van at Mississauga’s Westwood Square during the COVID-19 pandemic, Thursday August 26, 2021. [Peter J Thompson/National Post]
MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO: AUGUST 26, 2021—A person wearing a mask arrives for vaccination at the Region Of Peel Vax Van at Mississauga’s Westwood Square during the COVID-19 pandemic, Thursday August 26, 2021. [Peter J Thompson/National Post]
Other initiatives, such as the growing number of employers adopting vaccine mandates, along with vaccine passport programs in some provinces, have also helped the campaign to get more people vaccinated and end the pandemic.

One of the last remaining community centres that have yet to be conscripted in the nationwide vaccine campaign are schools, which have been used in the past to help administer vaccine shots to children. It remains to be seen if, once a COVID vaccine is approved for under 12s, schools will be used again as a site for shots.


Junior Member
I haven't bothered, after I went to the community centre to have one and was expected to sit outside amongst the dead leaves and dog shit because I had forgotten to wear a mask. Also the very young trainee staff administering the experimental jab where being a bit rough with people. So I caught the bus home.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Here it comes!

US mandates vaccines or tests for big companies by Jan. 4

Tens of millions of Americans who work at companies with 100 or more employees will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4 or get tested for the virus weekly under government rules issued Thursday.

The new requirements are the Biden administration’s boldest move yet to persuade reluctant Americans to finally get a vaccine that has been widely available for months -- or potentially face financial consequences. If successful, administration officials believe it will go a long way toward ending a pandemic that has killed more than 750,000 Americans.

First previewed by President Joe Biden in September, the requirements will apply to about 84 million workers at medium and large businesses, although it is not clear how many of those employees are unvaccinated.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations will force the companies to require that unvaccinated workers test negative for COVID-19 at least once a week and wear a mask while in the workplace.

OSHA left open the possibility of expanding the requirement to smaller businesses. It asked for public comment on whether employers with fewer than 100 employees could handle vaccination or testing programs.

Tougher rules will apply to another 17 million people who work in nursing homes, hospitals and other facilities that receive money from Medicare and Medicaid. Those workers will not have an option for testing — they will need to be vaccinated.

Workers will be able to ask for exemptions on medical or religious grounds.

The requirements will not apply to people who work at home or outdoors.

Biden framed the issue as a simple choice between getting more people vaccinated or prolonging the pandemic.

“While I would have much preferred that requirements not become necessary, too many people remain unvaccinated for us to get out of this pandemic for good,” he said Thursday in a statement.

Biden said his encouragement for businesses to impose mandates and his own previous requirements for the military and federal contractors have helped reduce the number of unvaccinated Americans over 12 from 100 million in late July to about 60 million now.

Those measures, he said, have not led to mass firings or worker shortages, adding that vaccines have been required before to fight other diseases.

OSHA said companies that fail to comply with the regulations could face penalties of nearly $14,000 per violation.

The agency will face enforcement challenges. Even counting help from states, OSHA has only 1,850 inspectors to oversee 130 million workers at 8 million workplaces. An administration official said the agency will respond to whistleblower complaints and make limited spot checks.

The release of the rules followed weeks of regulatory review and meetings with business groups, labor unions and others.

OSHA drafted the rules under emergency authority meant to protect workers from an imminent health hazard. The agency estimated that the vaccine mandate will save more than 6,500 worker lives and prevent more than 250,000 hospitalizations over the next six months.

The rules set up potential legal battles along partisan lines between states and the federal government. Several states and Republican governors threatened to sue, contending that the administration lacks the power to make such sweeping mandates under emergency authority.

OSHA’s parent agency, the Labor Department, says it is on sound legal footing. The department’s top legal official, Seema Nanda, said OSHA rules preempt conflicting state laws or orders, including those that bar employers from requiring vaccinations, testing or face masks.

Senate Republicans immediately launched a petition to force a vote to overturn the vaccine mandate, but with Democrats controlling the chamber, the effort is nearly certain to fail.

The rules will require workers to receive either two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine by Jan. 4 or be tested weekly. Employees who test positive must be removed from the workplace.

Companies won’t be required to provide or pay for tests for unvaccinated workers, but they must give paid time off for employees to get the shots and sick leave to recover from side effects that prevent them from working. The requirements for masks and paid time off for shots take effect Dec. 5.

Employers covered by the requirements must verify their workers’ vaccination status by checking documents such as CDC vaccination cards or records from doctors or pharmacies.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a separate rule requiring vaccination for workers in 76,000 health facilities and home health care providers that get funding from the government health programs. A senior administration official said that several large private health care organizations imposed their own mandates and achieved high vaccination rates — 96% or higher — without widespread resignations.

A previously announced requirement for federal contractors to make sure workers are vaccinated was scheduled to take effect Dec. 8, but on Thursday the administration delayed that measure until Jan. 4 to match the requirements on other large employers and health care providers. Already more than a dozen states have sued to block the mandate on contractors.

For weeks, Biden has encouraged businesses not to wait for OSHA to act. He has touted businesses that announced their own vaccine requirements and urged other companies to follow their lead.

Administration officials say those efforts are paying off, with about 70% of the nation’s adults now fully vaccinated.

Walmart, the nation’s largest private employer, said in late July it was requiring all workers at its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, and managers who travel within the United States to be vaccinated by Oct. 4. The retailer stopped short of requiring shots for frontline workers, however.

United Airlines required 67,000 U.S. employees to get vaccinated or face termination. Only a couple hundred refused to do so, although about 2,000 are seeking exemptions.

In August, Tyson Foods told its 120,000 U.S. workers that they must be vaccinated by Nov. 1. On Thursday, the company said more than 96% of its workforce was vaccinated, including 60,500 people who got their shots after the August announcement.

However, some companies have expressed fea r that some vaccine-hesitant workers might quit, leaving their workforces even thinner in an already-tight labor market.

Several corporate groups, including the Business Roundtable, endorsed the mandate. However, retail groups worried the requirement could disrupt their operations during the critical Christmas shopping period. Retailers and others also said it could worsen supply chain disruptions.

The National Retail Federation suggested the new rules are not needed because the rolling average number of new daily cases in the U.S. has fallen by more than half since September.

“Nevertheless, the Biden administration has chosen to declare an ‘emergency’ and impose burdensome new requirements on retailers during the crucial holiday shopping season,” said David French, a senior vice president for the trade group.

The number of new infections in the U.S. is still falling from a summer surge caused by the highly contagious delta variant, but the rate of decline has slowed in recent weeks. The 7-day moving average is down 6% from two weeks ago, at more than 76,000 new cases and 1,200 deaths per day.

The earlier mandate on federal contractors led to demonstrations by opponents, including workers at a NASA rocket engine test site in Mississippi. Some said they are immune because they contracted COVID-19. Others said vaccines violated their religious beliefs and constitutional rights.

“No one should be forced to take a medical treatment just to keep their job,” said Nyla Trumbach, an engineer at the site. “There’s years and years of experience and skill out here, and I just want anyone who’s watching to see what we stand to lose here if these people don’t keep their jobs.”


Associated Press Writers Paul Wiseman in Washington, Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin in Detroit, Stacey Plaisance-Jenkins in Picayune, Mississippi, and Matt OBrien in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed.


I'm doing a quick poll to find out who going to have the Covid-19 vaccine. There seems to be more variations of the vaccine than variants of the disease.
There are 18 strains of germ warfare in the air trying to kill us. Covid19 shot, which has nothing to do with the coronavirus, blocks these 18. More germs will be made.


Just putting this out there...

Breakthrough Covid cases: At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive

WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.And vaccinated adults who have breakthrough cases but show no symptoms could be missing from the data altogether, say officials.Watch Gabe Gutierrez on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt tonight for more on this storyHealth officials continue to caution that breakthrough cases were expected, extremely rare and not a sign of vaccine failure. For example, according to Erin McHenry, spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Health, "Our most recent data shows that 99.9 percent of Minnesotans who are fully vaccinated have not contracted the virus. Even among those very rare breakthrough cases, we have seen very few illnesses serious enough to require hospitalization."

More at the link
You are talking about the Coronavirus shot. The covid19 shot is against germ warfare and no one gets sick when injected so stop spewing your nonsense. The coronavirus is totally made up by a greedy pharm company who never passed a 20 year rest period. Did you get the first shot, dude?

walt willis

Senior Member
This is an experimental drug that may interfere with natural immunity?
The side affects have been shown to be dangerous as well as deadly!
The idea of our country was to protect individual rights from any and all groups!
Our current leaders are evil bullies!
"For the greater good" has always been the doctrine of the collectivist.
The democrats have been taken over by communist after they had JFK murdered!
George Soros has 30 trillion dollars that he uses to destroy our freedom.
We either fight now or we will fight and loose later?
"The frogs" are in the fake hot tub and the heat continues to rise?
Better wake up people before your children become slaves!101042415_3456609471025135_7231408892649930752_o.jpg
