Who is the knowledgeable person in time travel.


New Member

I just wanted to know who is the person with the more knowledge about time traveling if you would want to ask a few questions,preferably a professor or scientist someone who truly believe in time travel and understand the subject from A to Z even just in theory.Thanks.


Time Travel Professor
It could be very hard to find people here and why would people want to talk with you???? Your a new member with just one (1) posting so far and no one here knows you yet.


New Member
It could be very hard to find people here and why would people want to talk with you???? Your a new member with just one (1) posting so far and no one here knows you yet.
It's not the person talking to me but me talking to that person.What if I have 1 post how relevant is that?You learn more by listening than by talking.

Wow if that's the welcoming here I guess I came to the wrong place.


Junior Member
This forum is based on the principle of discussing different kind of topics. Of which time travel is one of them. Many members contribute to that topic debating about time travel if it's possible, sharing opinions about it etc. To actually point a member out who knows "everything" about time travel would be difficult. So far I haven't seen (imo) proof of it that it happened, that doesn't mean it already happened though or will in the future. It's one of the fascinating subject the more you think about it the more complicated it can get :ROFLMAO:

As for Prof Opmmur's post he just tries to tell you that some members here just tend to open up more if they "know" you well enough. On just a small count of posts it is a bit difficult to get to know someone and what the intentions are. I would suggest you start contributing your ideas too to the forum about the subjects your interested in, you'll definitely get responses/answers that way you could be looking for. Though I can't guarantee every answer you seek will be presented.


Welcome to the site XXX.

Many members here know a lot when it comes to time travel. Crethox is right when he says that some member will require a little time to open up and freely share their knowledge. Give us a chance to you know you first and it should be pretty easy for you to discuss time travel with the most knowledgeable members of Paranormalis.

You can also use our search feature to look for information that is already available in the forum, as there's a lot of it.

Feel free to start a thread in the Introduction section to introduce yourself further. :)


New Member
Ok I understand some people require time to open up but having lots of post to me is worthless i can have 1000 post with no significant value or have 1 with instructions how to build a time machine(no saying i do I wish ). I was actually looking for somebody who somehow knows a lot about subject no to get any information but maybe share some if in fact is of any value or credibility.

I certainly don't know anything about travel in theory and if the little info I may have I rather discuss in "private" with someone that may interest the information.As you people must know when it comes to talking about this subject you can't simply talk with anybody because they either ignore you or laugh at you been there done that.

I will stick around to see if I find anybody whom I feel comfortable "talking" to if not well I guess I keep looking.Again I have very little if anything to comment on the many threads I read so far other than making a fool out of me.


I agree with opmmur. Why would credible people want to speak with you? Your new so you aren't dislike nor liked but, your unknown work on building respect and, credibility in the community and, things will start flow for you. That includes actively posting and, creating, sharing your own theories an ideas to maybe look at a different angle.


New Member
Like I said before I will stick around and see how it goes but how I see it is more based on sympathy than credibility.


I agree with you that the number of post doesn't mean anything when it comes to knowledge. Even the most knowledgeable of the senior members had only a few posts, years ago when they joined. Let us some time to know you and see you around and you shouldn't be disappointed. We don't neglect new members.

Feel free to ask those questions you currently have in mind. That way, we'll try to answer them as good as we can and perhaps, you'll find the answers you are looking for. :)

No one is going to make fun of you on Paranormalis, we are here to discuss the possibilities and explore even the wildest of theories without any concern whatsoever of having your ideas turned into a complete joke by some smart-ass. We wouldn't be a paranormal community if we didn't do so!
