Debate Who or what created the Universe and how?


How do you explain the Universe's creation?
Creation implies that time is linear and that there was a beginning. In a multidimensional universe (m Theory) All possibilities exist now & time is simultaneous. When we view the universe, what we see is the line of probabilities that would have occurred in order for us to be as we are today. This is covered very well in a book titled "The Accidental Universe" by Paul Davies. He covers all the things that had to have occurred since the Big Bang for things to be as they are seen today. It is interesting that there are many critical control points in the process. These are points, where if things had been only different by a minute degree, we no not be here to talk about it. Davies likened it to walking a razor's edge for billions of years without making one mistake.

Creation is occurring constantly in all points in space & time. With every moment our consciousness is faced with an infinite number of possible futures to actualize and experience. From our perspective these possible futures exist as a probability wave function. (check out "Double-slit experiment) Timelines we do not experience branch off constantly and all possibilities are realized. Our choices create the world we experience out of all the alternate possibilities.

I think of God as the consciousness of all that is. God is part of everything and everything is a part of God. Reality is much more than just the physical universe we live in. One problem with Science is the focus on the Physical portion of reality almost exclusively. Science seldom deals with the non-physical.

Can science answer that question? NeuroQuantology ( Archives ) deals with Neuroscience and Quantum Physics. The link above to the archives has many articles that look at reality in ways outside of the standard models. I would say that these guys are on the right track, but the more you learn, the more questions you are able to ask.


I think of God as the consciousness of all that is.
That would make God a being belonging to a dimension high enough to actually experience all of the possible universes at once. I'm wondering if a being of such a high dimension would have the capabilities of creating a universe by itself.


I think of God as the consciousness of all that is.
That would make God a being belonging to a dimension high enough to actually experience all of the possible universes at once. I'm wondering if a being of such a high dimension would have the capabilities of creating a universe by itself.

Maybe the universe (the container that holds all the planets, stars, etc.) didn't need to be created. What if it always WAS.


Can something always be? Can the universe be beyond time itself? Hmm

If time is relative, what is time to someone who can observe and be aware of the entire universe at once?

walt willis

Senior Member
The question is simple: How do you explain the Universe's creation? Who/What created it and how? That's what we're going to debate here.

Did God create it, or did it create itself on its own? If God created it, who created God and how?

Perhaps the Universe is totally infinite, has always existed and will always exist. Is that enough for you, or do you still need to know how it was created and by whom?

Also, can science answer that question? If not, what are we supposed to do? Find our own answers within and have faith?

What do you think?

Why don't you ask a harder question?

My SWAG is that we help to create our world and beings that preceded us in existence created the early parts of the universe.

If you look at the "String Theory" and see that the original energy that formed into matter had some parts that developed a form of intelligence.

The intelligent matter then evolved into (over time) (a long time) a very high level of intelligence.

Now I guess that the energy then matter and then highly advanced intelligent matter learned how to self replicate and expand it's area in what we think of as empty space.

Thus, we have the expanding universe...That has been ever expanding by our very thoughts.

"Be carful what you whish for".

walt willis

Senior Member
Can something always be? Can the universe be beyond time itself? Hmm

If time is relative, what is time to someone who can observe and be aware of the entire universe at once?

Another fun question...Thanks!

Humans are unique because we live in a world regulated by time, unlike the real world that is timeless, as it appears to be to are gray visitors.

Just enjoy the ride...Why ask why?


At this moment in time, I'm kind of thinking that "god" may not be personally aware of every person on this planet and probably doesn't do as much "helping" as we think it does.


So many good thoughts on these questions. I can't resist throwing in some more of my own. In the last few centuries mankind has become more focused on the objective side of reality and sent the subjective side to a realm not worth consideration. We ARE multidimensional beings. The implications of accepting that belief as fact and gaining even some understanding of what that means would change the world significantly. I will try to limit my explanation to just a few points. This is a subject that really needs to end up on it's own thread. But, today it will be focusing on TIME and the non-physical side of our reality, including the God concept. Note: All physical possibilities (pasts, presents and futures) exist in a simultaneous now.

We are multidimensional beings. There are parts of us that have a non-physical existence in higher dimensional levels. We are a part of this greater totality that chose to experience being focused in our 3D physical reality. In doing this we experience time as a series of consecutive physical moment-points. This is due to the rules that govern the 3D physical frame. The thought process is not instantaneous. Nerve impulses are a series of jumps across the synapses in our physical brains. Physical time is experienced as a linear phenomenon with a past that is gone and the future is yet to be determined.

Our immediate connection with our non-physical side occurs every night when we dream. Here our psyche is free from the limitations of physical reality. You may say our subconscious visits the 4D portion of existence. Beliefs, desires and probable futures are explored and choices made that influence what we experience in our waking lives. When we we remember our dreams, what we remember is a type of translation of content into symbols that fit with our physical daily world.

In our 3D physical world we are able to see things at a distance and travel to different locations; which by the way, all exist simultaneously. A 4D consciousness is able to to take this to the next level. Seeing can now look at different at different probable moment-points (pasts, presents & futures) and go there. Here to, all probable moment-points exist simultaneously. Reality at this level may not be "Outside of Time", but our view of time is more of how we perceive physical locations.

As dimensional levels increase consciousness undergoes changes as new sets of rules are encountered at each. My definition of God as the consciousness of all that is would be something impossible to comprehend at our level of understanding. God is not a static, perfect or finalized level. Events and experiences happening NOW in all probable reality have God changing continuously.

was kind of thinking that "god" may not be personally aware of every person on this planet. That is true, just as I am not personally "aware" of what all the cells in MY body are doing. However, the portion of ourselves that exist in the 4D non-physical/spiritual are intimately aware of our existence and probable future timelines. Here again, information on how to achieve what we desire in life are is provided in dreams. This is a major aspect of ourselves that mankind has yet to pursue.

Our future is also greatly influenced by our beliefs. Beliefs guide our actions, emotions and all aspects of our lives. We often accept certain ideas as truths, not to be questioned. Still, these are only our accepted beliefs of what is true or not. When we change our beliefs, we change our lives and how we experience the world we live in.

This did end up a little longer than I had planned and there is a lot more that could be said. My final statement is that the universe (physical reality) is being created constantly at every moment-point across time as new possibilities become realized.
