who would bang some alien chicks?


Senior Member
They say 666 is the number of a man. And the Antichrist is referred to as "he"
and having no regard for women. So I doubt the Antichrist is a woman although
some people argue he has female attributes. See Lucifer is a hermaphrodite
and it's complicted shit.


Senior Member
But in order to really be Jesus's ultimate anti-self you'd have to probly match him up against another man
or else it wouldn't quite make sense. If Jesus were a woman than yeah match him with a woman

I view the biblical "women are evil" thing more as "women were stupid and manipulated by evil men who in turn manipulated good men thinking they were doing the right thing"
I do NOT mean in real life or anything sexist I mean in biblical context and only in a few parts of the bible, garden of eden etc.

I'm not a Christian and don't claim to be for anyone about to go bananas on me.
