Why aren't hospitals haunted?


New Member
Man, Wee, sounds like a fun place!! Interestingly, we've been getting more severe cases as of late and the amount of weird things has also gone up. I've seen several people at the front door that aren't really there when I look up from my computer, among other things. Not sure if it's the late nights getting to me and the fact I'm alone a lot, or what, but I see them just about every night. People coming to the front door.

Oh and massive creepy place was when I went over to our main campus last week for some training up to the unfinished top floor. Everything is still exposed up there, not walls or ceiling put in and I was creeped out the whole time I was up there. It's a fairly new building too. Not like the old hospital which I worked in for a couple of months before I went to Psych. It is definitely haunted. It's the billing office, a couple of physician's offices, home health and classrooms now. Only one branch is used. I'm dying to go in the other branch! Just driving past it at night is scary.


Senior Member

If anyone missed this i would highly recommend watching it, this subject made me remember this post.

Reminded me why i hated doing IT in the hospital at night, going into a room shortly after someone died or knowing someone is close to death is a very surreal feeling

Prince Petropia

New Member
Who said hospitals aren't haunted, if you Google 'haunted hospitals', you will find loads of such hospitals plagued by paranormal activity. Here is one: The Waverly hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky was built around the 1900s to serve as a special hospital for tuberculosis patients. Due to lack of proper treatment, many died there. The hospital was shut down and is abandoned now. However, it has become a haunted tourist spot due to the several ghosts that are seen here, including a nurse who committed suicide and children who died young. Many famous paranormal reality shows have been filmed here. You can learn about them in my blog here: The Waverly Hills Sanatorium- A Haunted Location to Give You Goosebumps! |All About Occult


Junior Member
In my experience some of the most haunted places I've visited were hospitals and old folks homes. My sister is a nurse and when she was training they sent her to a place one night that almost turned her hair white, we both grew up around experiencing spirits from voices to apparitions but that one place had a portal and she saw countless spirits going through and coming through it. The energy in the place was terrible, it was a case where a lot of older patients would pass away in the building and if any of them had a mental disability they wouldn't know to move on and would become trapped. It all started off quiet enough with the only strange thing being room alarms going off in rooms which had no patients, usually a patient would pass and the room would be left vacant for a few days.

It then slowly escalated over the evening to footsteps and banging noises, one particular patient started screaming and when checked on her she said a man kept running in and out of her room, no one saw him but my sister did. They gave the patient something to calm them down and soon enough that same spirit was following her around, he knew she could see him so he started playing tricks on her. All in all the portal was the most unnerving thing she saw there, it was flooding the building with spirits and not all of them were nice. It really just boils down to a location where a lot of people might pass away in and if they are not in the right frame of mine might have a hard time moving on. It's possible that if people keep passing through again and again a portal can be opened up, sometimes negative entities come through but I've not experienced much negativity in hospitals, plenty of spirits of course but mainly all good.

Night Templar

Junior Member
Oh they are. I've worked in several psychiatric hospitals, being a psychologist, and had encounters with what I can only describe as "interactions between myself and some "entities" at various times and locations, and not just at one hospital but at others. Nothing dangerous to me, but clearly actions indicating attention was being sought. Since I grew up in a family where the "paranormal" was a topic for lively debate, I tended to address "whatever" was around me, in my office, car, home, etc., as I had been raised to deal with "them", mainly by two grandmothers, who one might define as just "weird". I was never harmed, to this day, so far, and have never feared for my life, so far. "They simply come and go", as they choose, and I have learned to respect "them", as long as the attitude is extended to me by them.

Night Templar

Junior Member
Most are, the ones in use and the ones that have closed, deserted, abandoned. Not just because people have died there, but the whole aura surrounding such a structure.
