Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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Yes, it’s totally comforting to know that you’ll be safe while a large number of people die because you won’t take it seriously and encourage people to just ignore it...

Edit: You might as well just come out and say you only care about yourselves.

That’s quite confrontational for someone that's against confrontation.

And yet it makes many people so ANGRY when you tell them this information. Why do some people WANT mass death and destruction? It's a psychological mystery. Every time you tell people they most likely won't die, half of them almost become violent with rage. It should be comforting.


Even if you survive Covid, there is still some long term effects like lung damage loss of the sense of smell and taste.


Senior Member
Cannot for technical reasons avow the sources, but here it is. What they're not telling most. Approximate date of publishing by non-specified auhtor September 29 2020 Copy > Real simply put the covid virus was a three continent traveling project that was supposed to end up as a proto-vaccine candidate for SARS viruses. According to Trump intelligences this project was started in the EU, then transferred to the Americas being noted and published about 2015, then transferred to Wuhan China at the WIV. While at the WIV the project change hands of leadership to an unknown Chinese woman, who said she felt that a bat RNA added to the SARS virus, would bring it closer to humans, so making the finial ingredients more effective as a turned out vaccine product.*An American train molecular biologist and his team in February spotted HIV sections condons, very small in relationship to the size of this virus HIV placed into this virus.

The only way one can insert those virus lengths, is by use of micro-nanotechnology bots, which are only atoms wide. They are intoned to move and perform certain actions, by a special virus that the bots are placed into. Then placed into the SARS to insert their packages of HIV. From what is given back when covid 19 finally hit the shores of America, covid attack the patients who seemed to be in the older and or infirmed age group, exhibiting a global body attack, just as the AIDS virus does. So the question is now raised, was this HIV bat RNA that had bat HIV in it, or human AIDS-HIV, which more closely fits the description of the viral attack, which was multiple organ.*So the finishing touches on this what-ever-it-was ? virus, were placed to the virus while it was at the WIV in Wuhan.

*What is not being told publicly, as one must have a little bit of quantum dynamics physical chemistry in back of them, is that in the probable November construction of this virus, the factors of micro-quantum energy were both not understood and paid attention to. This is expressed that for the SARS corona virus, that's 1 or one energy level, then second additive the nanotechnologies bots, that another 1, because of the both activity and modification that the nanobots add to the virus in activity. The third additive is the HIV, which is a herpes associated virus, that has been said by many treating it, seems to have a mind of its own.

**If one does not have the proper diagnosis, then one can not espouse and work to a proper cure. In short, the people at the WIV had created a super virus, not even known to the people that created it. This is what your dealing with, not a simple corona virus. Two big waves came out of Wuhan, due to a power box failure said to have been remote viewed by a Far-Sight-Remote Viewing firm. This was at in in facility WIV facility power relay box. The remote viewers said that the power box just exploded. However, the quantity value of this lab held virus had to be at 35, to 180 gallons US liquid measure. This is why a massive air-wave cloud that convected upwards into the Jetstream from Wuhan Feb., to the Americas had occurred.

During Spring break and national protest and rioting, this virus, because it seems to record as a herpes virus does, contracted the floorplan for health humans by those public disturbances, most by either grouping up, and or not wearing their mask. The virus covid could now attack the younger set of humans and went on to do that.

The senior people who just dumped this information, ( pictures and everything, manifest list), at my ex-business utility put down everything they knew, because 1. I think they were scared to Hell and back, not knowing what they hand on this hands and 2. to get themselves off the hook, because according to the senior staff, they had warned the new lady head of the project, NOT to add the modified bat RNA. How this virus may reflectively phase out, is by the spraying of human urine from people who have covid onto stretches of grass plots. Grasses are tough and great disseminators of viruses in that urine suspension. For all the flack that past Monk Gregor Mendel took for his theories of environment back to animals in that environmental surroundings, he's our knight in shining armor. Best I can come up with and lord' what a mess! Thank you. //

} Saying for the day; Any weapon one finds on the aftermath of a battlefield that is in reasonably good condition, if picked up and carried off, then that discarded weapon now has a new owner. Through the years and eras, this is how the process of equalization through the act of finding, kept a détente that most of the time prohibit antihalation of the other side.// From readings of the SEA Conflict, the mud caked AK-47 found during the siege Khe Sanh that was washed off and still worked.
