Will President Trump Be Impeached?

Most likely Witchcraft.

a white house maid has come forward,,, she saw him cut the tags off his pillows. said that he ask if she had any scissors on her cleaning cart, then promptly went and cut off the tags from his pillows and mattress..

seriously thow folks it's all gorilla dust.
right wing,, left wing,,, same bird,, if this dog and pony show ever goes past the current state of my cousin herd the neighbor kid say.. it will expose all the crooks in both houses, on both sides. they will not let the extent of there thievery be brought to light.
buy some pop corn and beer the show is about to start .
Nancy Pelosi, humiliated as the Democrats cannot even get an impeachment order through, that would be overturned by the Senate anyways! :ROFLMAO:Long Live President Trump, i look forward to seeing you winning the next election, with an amount equal to, or even beyond the HUGE win achieved by the Conservative Government of the UK on December 12th 2019, with a MASSIVE 80 seat gain!! (y):eek::LOL:..

If you cannot see the video in your own Country, please log onto You Tube and type into their search system, "Pelosi Humiliated as Legal Expert Says Dems FAILED To Impeach Trump..

I'd like to see what the democrat supporters have to say about the proceedings.

Whats their plan for the senate?

Dont seem to be many here, anyway.

As said the senate with throw it in, but for the election is more the important issue.

Will this hurt Trump?
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I'd like to see what the democrat supporters have to say about the proceedings.

Whats their plan for the senate?

Dont seem to be many here, anyway.

As said the senate with throw it in, but for the election is more the important issue.

Will this hurt Trump?

You must be joking will it "hurt" President Trump? :LOL:..
He has already DEMANDED that the Democrats impeach him, that useless Nancy Pelosi refuses to send in the "charges" against him!!..
He is simply playing with the Dems, who are about as useful as that worn out, unfit for purpose, present Labour Party is in the UK :ROFLMAO:..
President Trump wants to prove that he has done NOTHING wrong, and the way he is going about it is to show the World that he has nothing to hide, by forcing the Dems to "put up, or shut up"....He does not want to appear that he is relying on Senate to over turn the impeachment..
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Whats their plan for the senate?

Dont seem to be many here, anyway.

As said the senate with throw it in, but for the election is more the important issue.

Will this hurt Trump?

You all know I'm left of center. But, I might as well be far left compared to you all on here :ROFLMAO:. So, here's my two cents.

Number one... I'm never in favor of impeaching a president unless there is good cause to do so. When Clinton was impeached, there was not good reason to do so. Obstruction of justice in a case mainly involving the sexual affairs of the president does not rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors" in my book. Because, let's be honest, if it did, then Trump should have been impeached on the same charges as Clinton.

But, I digress.

With Trump you have a president who has open and specifically called upon foreign nations to investigate presidential candidates who oppose him. That coupled with the "quid pro quo" with the Ukraine and you have something that sure sounds like "high crimes and misdemeanors" to me.

That all being said... the democrats know that even with the approval of the articles of impeachment in the House that there will not be a fair trial in the Senate. Why? Because Mitch McConnell has specifically said that the White House will get to call the shots on the procedures for the impeachment trial in the Senate. If that's how we're gonna flip the script in the US legal system, then I'm gonna go take part in a wee bit of money laundering and then, when I'm caught, I'm gonna tell the judge that there will be no witnesses and the prosecution will be prohibited from putting on their case. So, you have a Senate that is very open about the fact that the trial will not be fair and that they just want it to be over. This is not a good precedent to set.

Getting to Pelosi... if she was smart she would be holding back sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate to ensure that the Democrats and Republicans will work collaboratively on the procedures for the trial. This play may even require that the Democrats certify a question to the Supreme Court to get their take on how the trial should proceed. Unfortunately, I don't think this is the real play for Pelosi... instead it's likely to drag things out until closer to the next election as a political game.

Trust me... I want this to just be over too. But the trial needs to be fair. If it's not a fair trial, then you set a precedent that you might not be able to come back from.

But let's be real, people, Trump is using his time machine right now to go back to the past and cover up all the potential wrongs ;).
If you cannot see the video in your own country, please go onto You Tube and type in, I WILL JAIL PELOSI-President Trump reigns Insults On Nancy Pelosi AND THE CROWD WENT WILD.

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His impeachment was put to me like this two days ago:

"It would be political suicide for Republican senators to impeach him now". That is the reason they won't. Self preservation of their own careers. Which isn't about justice or the people.

True justice for the people would also consider imposing term limits for long term politicians... Nancy should have been gone a very long time ago.

I wish they would impeach him. He is a total distraction to solving any real issues for our nation and world. Too much drama to focus on anything else.

I'm still Republican. I just don't support Trump. We need someone that will bring the nation together. Not divide us even further like he has.

Instead of the political theatrics, we should be tackling homelessness in our nation. Tackling the rise of the growing economic divide between rich and poor. Tackling all the red tape that causes us to move slowly on doing good things for communities and nation. Tackling equal voting rights among the states. So much more... We should be considering our own nation before advancement in technology and placing our resources into bettering the citizens of our nation.

Sorry if this offends. Not intentional.
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