Will President Trump Be Impeached?

@dimension-1hacker - Congress.gov? Yuck! Another arm of the Democratic Party. And since most Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, it would be nuts to think most Democrat politicians don't believe in socialism. Socialism and communism mean a leftist takeover of all means of economic, social, and governmental aspects of life.
@dimension-1hacker - Please don't drill me with questions. Do your own research, but be aware that sources like CNN and MSNBC are riddled with communism and socialism. Try not to be one of those ignorant sheeple. Listen to Rush Limbaugh, or at least some more FOX News, which is on the lighter side. And I'd take your claims about the right-wingers with a grain of salt.
I need proof which is why I ask questions; I have done research. seemingly CNN is not riddling with communism and socialism. please provide examples that I have not seen that indicate otherwise. I do not trust any media outlets which is why I watch recording that media outlets provide of government proceedings on .gov websites.

I take anything everybody says with a grain of salt because of philosophy; what you see is based of a series of arbitrary numbers ordered into pictures by your brain of the outside world. those numbers can be manipulated in an infinite amount of unknown ways because I do not know how to determine which experiences are not incorrect representations of the outside world there is know way to determine which possibility is greater then any other to be an accurate representation of the outside world. therefore the odds that I perceive the outside world correctly is one over infinite.
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I have done research. seemingly CNN is not riddling with communism and socialism. please provide examples that I have not seen that indicate otherwise. I do not trust any media outlets which is why I watch recording that media outlets provide of government proccedings on .gov websites.
Aha! More suppression of information from the Democrats! No wonder one can't find alternate information. Also, Google is a left-wing organization.
@dimension-1hacker - Congress.gov? Yuck! Another arm of the Democratic Party. And since most Democrats have a favorable view of socialism, it would be nuts to think most Democrat politicians don't believe in socialism. Socialism and communism mean a leftist takeover of all means of economic, social, and governmental aspects of life.
for many years it was an arm of the republican party too and by your definition of a socialist, correct me if I am incorrect, every member in group that wants to regulate the group in a certain way is called a socialist and a group can be defined by people who are similar then every group has socialist tendensies by definition.

correct me if you think what is said is logically incorrect.
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Aha! More suppression of information from the Democrats! No wonder one can't find alternate information. Also, Google is a left-wing organization.
there is an alternative explination which is the republican sites are less numerious in the number one page in the google search because they are less popular and republicans are proven based off audio recording to lie about what they did therefor suppressing information in the voters mind about the truth. your explination could be true but this one could be too, each is a possibility.
If audios could be falsified undetectibly, there is no way to determine anything because you don't know which were falsied and which were not.
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correct me if you perceive me to have said to be logically incorrect.

everything by definition is hersay; the only difference are the credibility of the hersay. republicans in the senate limited the number of witness's. Lied about what the democrats that were recorded saying x Ironically, said. most replublicans in the senate and congress have jerrymongered many of the ballets in their states and have repeditly claimed the democrats version of medicare was bad yet later recorded to champion the same thing as their idea in the age of trump while dismissing that the democrates implemented those idea's already which is proven on .gov websites. oil companies partially fund and perpetuate republican media outlets and republicans running for congress and the senate, which is an indicator of why republicans in the congress and the senate deny global warming is real else most of their funding would be withdrawn which is what motivates many politiitons. Many republicans are homophobic, racist, anti abortion, anti-transgender; while I like limited government, while the problem of desease isn't solved, perpetuated ignorance, global warming, human ignorance, lack of star trek matter converters that convert x into food and water, and multi planet colonization, I support democrats because seemingly they are the only ones who aren't liars or ignorant people who are willing with enough public support to solve the problems listed above.

It is irrelevant what you said, that the Republicans are guilty of doing such things as being homophobic, or racist, as two examples...The Republicans won the last election convincingly, and i firmly believe they will win the forthcoming election as well...All of it is because of President Trump and how he put more money into the pockets of all Americans, and has done everything he set out to do, in the manifesto of his first election win(y)..

The majority of Americans love President Trump and will vote him back into power for a second time, iam convinced of that...Jerrymandering is perfectly normal for any political party who is in power...Of course they want to manipulate the districts in favour of their own party, therefore gaining a political advantage, the Democrats would do exactly the same thing if they were in power :D..
It is irrelevant what you said, that the Republicans are guilty of doing such things as being homophobic, or racist, as two examples...The Republicans won the last election convincingly, and i firmly believe they will win the forthcoming election as well...All of it is because of President Trump and how he put more money into the pockets of all Americans, and has done everything he set out to do, in the manifesto of his first election win(y)..

The majority of Americans love President Trump and will vote him back into power for a second time, iam convinced of that...Jerrymandering is perfectly normal for any political party who is in power...Of course they want to manipulate the districts in favour of their own party, therefore gaining a political advantage, the Democrats would do exactly the same thing if they were in power :D..
democrats based off records have not done that when they were not and was in power. Also, according to most polls only 42 percent of american's who voted want to support trump to reelection; around have of the us population voted which is almost an all time low. Trump pulled out of the paris climate accord, the iranian nuclear deal, and almost pulled out of nato. only 23 percent of the 50 percent of the population who voted voted for trump which is less then 50 percent of the voted therefore he was not popularly elected. non biased fact checking groups report he has lied to voters more then any other president in history too, and trump is ruining the lobster and farm sails globally grown in the us because of the trade war. The us won't win against china., nobody wins because the economies are interdependent and could cause a reccession in the trade war continues. All trump has done is drive away us allies making china more powerful driving countries towards them because of the silk road and china being the leader in 5g in the future. Trump is trying to fill greedy comperations pockets by trying to get rid of obamacare leaving 20 million americans without innsurence again, and making others pay higher prices that comporations are unwilling to lower and have a monopoly. Taxing the rich less but the poor more, he put more money into rich americans pockets but not poor. The effects of global warming are projected to cost global economies trillions of dollars a year too. and more.

trump is shaking up the system which is good in the long term for the climate and use so democrats can finally be allowed to fulfill promises to negate china,'s power prevent the poor from getting poorer by sifoning off a bit of money from corperations, and prevent global warming and more.

also, trump is doing nothing to prevent overpopulation and expand the amount of farmland. Also, he is not forcing farmers to use methods of farming that doesn't ruin the farmland. He is not supporting a bisuness that allows people to buy trailers that within itself large amounts of food more quickly then on a farm. and more.
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@dimension-1hacker - It seems strongly like you're a believer in far-left-wing propaganda. You listen only to sound bites and don't know the whole truth. Polls are skewed far left and are very unreliable. You'd be foolish to think literally 100% of people polled are counted; there is such a thing as poll suppression. You know, there's a saying that goes like this: Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. With that in mind, I'll believe nothing of what I hear from you, until I see some sources, which I'd bet my life savings are very biased to the left.

God would never let this great country become a left-leaning nation.
@dimension-1hacker - It seems strongly like you're a believer in far-left-wing propaganda. You listen only to sound bites and don't know the whole truth. Polls are skewed far left and are very unreliable. You'd be foolish to think literally 100% of people polled are counted; there is such a thing as poll suppression. You know, there's a saying that goes like this: Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. With that in mind, I'll believe nothing of what I hear from you, until I see some sources, which I'd bet my life savings are very biased to the left.

God would never let this great country become a left-leaning nation.
why, a left leaning nation means nobody is poor, medicare is forced to be cheap, countries like russia are not allowed to thrive. you can call my sources bias but what is the process for determining my sources are bias? You are not there when x events occur so how can you know weather they were reported biasly anyways. How do you know weather recordings were doctored in an untracable way anyways you were not involved with the process if it did occur in anyway; you weren't there so you don't know by definition and you have no way of determining what is possible and not possible because you aren't omnipotent. As I said before I do not know which sources are correct or incorrect I am saying things and giving sources that have seemingly the most philosophical understanding to determine on the surface the lack of bias.

Because I wasn't there when the article was written and wasn't there when where the event occured I don't know what really occured. My way of living in this potentially false reality is to have "opinions" about the articles based off face value; the philosophical statements and how logical seemingly the article is relative to other events that seemingly occured. I will never really know, in that way I am not brainwashed in anyway.
I wrote a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory !
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why, a left leaning nation means nobody is poor, medicare is forced to be cheap, countries like russia are not allowed to thrive. you can call my sources bias but what is the process for determining my sources are bias? You are not there when x events occur so how can you know weather they were reported biasly anyways. How do you know weather recordings were doctored in an untracable way anyways you were not involved with the process if it did occur in anyway; you weren't there so you don't know by definition.

You have your facts completely backwards. Everyone becomes poor in a left leaning nation. Medicare for all is not possible here. We don't have the medical infrastructure in place yet. Maybe in a thousand years from now. I think you are a Russian troll.
