Wireless transmission of power


Temporal Engineer
As you look through your replies, you will quickly realise that some people were simply not "reading" properly what you were saying!! :D..
They moved quickly from oscillating the "Earths Electrical Field" that YOU said, to oscillating the Ionosphere that NP thought you said :LOL:..

I can see that we have a couple of people here that don't even understand how even a tuned radio transmitter circuit works. The length of the antenna is crucial for determining it's resonate frequency. Take the length and divide the speed of light by the antennas length to determine the resonate frequency. If you pump in an AC current into that antenna at its resonance frequency the antenna will radiate at its optimal transmission amplitude. As a result the input signal can be turned down to take advantage of the resonance.

I learned my knowledge from studying Tesla's patents. Tesla was going to use the earth as a giant antenna. The earth has an electric field. That electric field would oscillate in unison with the EM being pumped out by the earth. Power could be tapped anywhere on the earth from the earths oscillating electric field.

I like to think that Tesla's idea would have worked except for one little detail. Would that tremendous power output have any effect on the orbital stability of the earth around the sun? But we all know Tesla didn't get to finish his free energy for all experiment. I like to think that maybe the ET's had a hand in preventing the human race from exterminating itself in this fashion.


Senior Member
earth electric field is the earth-ionosphere
can't oscillate one without oscillating the other

even the haarp arrays spread around the planet can't oscillate the ionosphere enough to cause worldwide induction of EM fields in conductors even at the schumann resonance(earth resonance). Even by pumping schumann resonance waves enough there's still leakage.

Trick is to do it with longitudinal waves(non-em) cuz they're always produced with no apparent impedance by EM oscillation. They build up and up in the cavity and presto, power everywhere for resonant longitudinal wave receivers. The energy converges upon the receivers. Like water going down a drain. So that means transformers and other conductors don't blow themselves up. The energy is spread out until a receiver is built.

convergence of the waves is why you can get 100% reception. Same system can track movement of the planets in real time. This is how he powered his pace arrow car.

his worldwide system would cure all disease in all animal species, cure and prevent mental illness, cause way more vegetation growth, crop yields would be 100's of times higher, no parasites in the natural world. No major infectious diseases, happiness, rainbows,, unicorns. etc.

Tesla's system is non-electromagnetic which is generated using electromagnetism.

we don't call magnetism...electrism. Same here.
Magnetism is a separate field created by electric field's influence on matter..

there's two more fields.
1st one is parallel to electric field lines(why everyone thinks tesla's tech is purely electric)

makes ya go hmmmm.
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Senior Member
remember, none of tesla's patents work when replicated.
they all require specialized custom power supplies to perform as described.

anyways tesla's system would still function even if the sun's activity dipped. It's not completely dependent upon the ionosphere.
It's more dependent upon the NON-EM energy underground. The fabled 'telluric currents'.

so the question is...if the telluric currents are produced by the energy grid emanated from earth's core..we know that same field also exists above the ground(vortexes, leylines, etc). Why is it so much stronger underground? Why is there an asymmetry?

Some people say the entire surface of the earth is maintained in a low energy state by invisible technology all around us. They say it was put into place after the fall of atlantis to imprison humanity.

So was tesla's tower going to be able to deactivate or overpower this suppressing this invisible tech?
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walt willis

Senior Member
I see you are not familiar with the concept of resonance. The earth behaves like a giant antenna. That antenna will resonate with an electric field of a specific frequency. At resonance it takes very little input energy to keep the resonance going. The earths electric field is humongous. If it oscillates, that oscillation can be tapped into as a source of energy. And the output can be fed back into the input to create a perpetual energy source.
True and I often wonder at how many octave levels above and below a given frequency can be measured?


Temporal Engineer
earth electric field is the earth-ionosphere
can't oscillate one without oscillating the other

even the haarp arrays spread around the planet can't oscillate the ionosphere enough to cause worldwide induction of EM fields in conductors even at the schumann resonance(earth resonance). Even by pumping schumann resonance waves enough there's still leakage.

Trick is to do it with longitudinal waves(non-em) cuz they're always produced with no apparent impedance by EM oscillation. They build up and up in the cavity and presto, power everywhere for resonant longitudinal wave receivers. The energy converges upon the receivers. Like water going down a drain. So that means transformers and other conductors don't blow themselves up. The energy is spread out until a receiver is built.

convergence of the waves is why you can get 100% reception. Same system can track movement of the planets in real time. This is how he powered his pace arrow car.

his worldwide system would cure all disease in all animal species, cure and prevent mental illness, cause way more vegetation growth, crop yields would be 100's of times higher, no parasites in the natural world. No major infectious diseases, happiness, rainbows,, unicorns. etc.

Tesla's system is non-electromagnetic which is generated using electromagnetism.

we don't call magnetism...electrism. Same here.
Magnetism is a separate field created by electric field's influence on matter..

there's two more fields.
1st one is parallel to electric field lines(why everyone thinks tesla's tech is purely electric)

makes ya go hmmmm.

Information on the earths electric field is freely available. As is information on the ionosphere. Educate yourself. I would suggest taking a course in radio electronics. You might actually learn something. As the instructor will tie everything together along with a hands on lab showing how to construct your own radio transmitter.

I see you know about the other two fields. They keep popping up in my experiments as well. I am of the belief that these three fields work together to define the 3-D space we exist within. But any reference to these other two fields seems to be mysteriously missing from my physics text books.


Senior Member
so what would happen if build a large tesla coil with a massive earth ground in a megalithic ancient pyramid?

might find signs of electrical generation equipment at those sites.
dielectrics, conductors, etc.

Why not start an experiment and build a small pyramid, lets say 1 foot high...Then build a Tesla coil to fit inside the pyramid, Einstein has engineered many Tesla Coils and can give you guidance on the building of it, and how to Earth ground it....Going back to your pyramid lets say for example that there is 1 volt in it, you can then work out roughly how much electricity there is in the Cheops Pyramid for example, which stands at 481 feet tall (y):D...
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walt willis

Senior Member
Information on the earths electric field is freely available. As is information on the ionosphere. Educate yourself. I would suggest taking a course in radio electronics. You might actually learn something. As the instructor will tie everything together along with a hands on lab showing how to construct your own radio transmitter.

I see you know about the other two fields. They keep popping up in my experiments as well. I am of the belief that these three fields work together to define the 3-D space we exist within. But any reference to these other two fields seems to be mysteriously missing from my physics text books.
The book written by Immanuel Velikovsky in 1950 also may be the base information for much of what we know today? Worlds in Collision book may have inspired others to investigate further?


Senior Member
Why not start an experiment and build a small pyramid, lets say 1 foot high...Then build a Tesla coil to fit inside the pyramid, Einstein has engineered many Tesla Coils and can give you guidance on the building of it, and how to Earth ground it....Going back to your pyramid lets say for example that there is 1 volt in it, you can then work out roughly how much electricity there is in the Cheops Pyramid for example, which stands at 481 feet tall (y):D...
I've built my own.


Senior Member
the one question I have though is this....what type of transformer did Tesla build for his giant wardenclyffe and colorado spring tower tesla coils? Cuz pancake transformers is what's necessary for tesla's patents to work as described. Clearly demonstrated by Eric Dollard. So his towers would require the same.

so are commonly built tesla coils not built to the same specifications as Tesla built his?
most people use neon sign transformers or ignition coils.
wondering what would happen?

how difficult would it be to make a custom pancake transformer to the same voltage and current levels as a neon-sign transformer? hmmmm....


Senior Member
Why not start an experiment and build a small pyramid, lets say 1 foot high...Then build a Tesla coil to fit inside the pyramid, Einstein has engineered many Tesla Coils and can give you guidance on the building of it, and how to Earth ground it....Going back to your pyramid lets say for example that there is 1 volt in it, you can then work out roughly how much electricity there is in the Cheops Pyramid for example, which stands at 481 feet tall (y):D...
your delta-t antenna might be somethin special.
reminds me of the channeled information about atlantis' pyramid energy network

so can a delta-t antenna become a tesla coil?
I wonder if you could make the horizonal axis coil into a secondary and primary.
or just put a concentric secondary and primary around it. hmm

obviously the delta-t works cuz of the 90 degree magnetic interaction between each winding.
same setup was in the marcus hollingshead antigrav device and the alexander frolov-vadium chernobrov time device.

the montauk chair had 3 coils at 90 degrees and the chair/coil setup was I believe at the top of the giant octahedron transmitter they had below it. In the center of that was the portal they could drive through.

yeah that's right. was the sage radar dish on the surface, octahedron(delta-t) antenna with the portal inside at the bottom underground, and the chair inbetween the portal/delta-t and the radar dish.9409
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