Woman Claims Intimacy with Bigfoot

There was a lady who wrote a book about her "encounters" with an abominable snow man. Well, that upset amazon. Actually, they pulled the e-book off their digital shelves on the grounds of bestiality and she lost her account, but there we go. Hairy is seen by many groups as primitive. I do wonder on big foot DNA and how close to human it is.

I do know that advanced space aliens see humans as vermin.

There was a lady who wrote a book about her "encounters" with an abominable snow man. Well, that upset amazon. Actually, they pulled the e-book off their digital shelves on the grounds of bestiality and she lost her account, but there we go. Hairy is seen by many groups as primitive. I do wonder on big foot DNA and how close to human it is.

I do know that advanced space aliens see humans as vermin.

Oh, come on! Yetis and Sasquatches are humanoid. I think they overreacted. Of course, I don't know how much detail was in the book.

'Sign says "long haired freaky people need not apply!"
so I stuffed all my hair up under my hat and went in to ask him why..
He said you look like a fine upstanding young man I think you'll do.
So..I took off my hat and said Imagine that..Me working for youUUuuUu....!!'

