Surveillance Drone in the US!


Senior Member
ok Blaster here ya go this site shows the basic setup in digram form for about ten bucks
or you can buy one ready to reak havoc on the villagers( some assambly requred)

Thanks BlastTyrant, and thanks KC for the video. That was really cool! Now let's say you have an EMP device like the one in the video. You are on the ground, and a drone is in the air. How would you get it to blast the drone high in the air? You would have to create a device that would shoot in the air, but I don't think you could get it high enough or accurate enough to affect the drone. I wonder how high drones fly. Any ideas or comments on these things?

I wonder how many different kinds of weapons EMP shock pulse generators could disable. That's a really handy gadget to have as a defense mechanism.


well sadly the one in the video is way to low power to do much however the linked site shows an emp cannon you can buy for around $ 32,000 bucks that has a range of around 2 football fields. It will disable almost any mechine, or anything with eletric control's instantly and like BlastTyrant said it's about the size of a bazzooka.


nah but you can get the plans and spec.'s for $10 bucks then build it in the garage. I must admit thow it would be pretty damn funny to zap the local cop's car while there trying to do a speed trap..:ROFLMAO:


Senior Member
nah but you can get the plans and spec.'s for $10 bucks then build it in the garage. I must admit thow it would be pretty damn funny to zap the local cop's car while there trying to do a speed trap..:ROFLMAO:
I could get PTO for days with something liek that lol blast the building and hide the ep in the trunk!


Time Travel Professor
New Army radar could put drones in domestic airspace in 2014

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US Army

The U.S. Army announced that it has completed a two-week test of its Ground-Based Sense and Avoid system, which will allow drones and unmanned aircraft to fly more safely in domestic airspace. The system will allow for safer flights with less manpower and oversight, though it doesn't address the concerns citizens might still have regarding UAVs in their neighborhoods.

Drones have been on the fast track at the FAA ever since their latest budget arrived with language suggesting they get moving on legalizing them. Police, national guard, scientists, everyone wants a drone, and while caution is a virtue at the FAA, sometimes things need to be expedited. Late 2015 is the hard limit on having regulations in place, and so the FAA is working with drone makers and operators to set down, for lack of a better term, some ground rules.

Part of those rules is a "sense and avoid" system, with which an unmanned aircraft can detect other craft in the same airspace and make the appropriate adjustments to its flight path. Today, that often means a chase aircraft with a human observer, but low visibility or darkness can put an end to that. Ideally, the craft itself would house instruments capable of scanning the area, but ground-based systems can be more comprehensive and more reliable, though they are less portable.


Time Travel Professor
New Army radar could put drones in domestic airspace in 2014


US Army

The GBSAA is a 3-D radar system that tracks every craft in range, calculates the likelihood of conflict, and suggests a course correction if necessary. The Army tested it in a series of "vignettes," in which real aircraft were used to invade the drone's operational space, and they say the new system passed with flying colors.

Viva Austin, product director for the Army's Unmanned Systems Airspace Integration program, described the difficulty of producing anything like a threat to the system:
Air traffic control keeps people separated so well, it was kind of hard to put yourself in a really stressing situation and test those algorithms out really well. It was very safe and we demonstrated that the system and the test bed was really successful.​

The only reservation they had with the tests was that the GBSAA would suggest flight paths that would not normally be taken by pilots — for instance, it might pick a safe route that veers north, while a pilot would veer south because it's more towards base, or away from restricted airspace.

If things go well, drones could be flying above a number of US forts as early as March of 2012. This doesn't mean they'll be hovering outside your window, but it is a step in that direction. Privacy and reasonable use by the authorities will be a completely different set of decisions and legislation, though; first they have to be air-legal, then they can be put to use.


sadly IMHO thats exactly what all this drone crap means.. very soon there will be drones snooping around every city in the country.:mad:


New Member
This is simply another excuse by the Government to regulate our basic rights, and limit freedom, so as to be able to more effectively control the people by silencing the nay-sayers. It's easier to stay in the dark, than to actually fight for these aforementioned rights. But the government wants you in the dark, so they make it easier to stay there. They make examples; and that's what the drones are intended to do. Find the people who are organized, and pose a threat to the framework of the republic, violent or non-violent, and keep them from influencing others. Whether it be label them a domestic terrorist, or infiltrate their organizations, and plant false evidence. In the times to come, I can assure you, you will see that when it becomes time to push and shove, there will be more pushing and shoving than what anyone expected.
