Recent content by Abyss

  1. Abyss

    UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum and his Time Machine (Art Bell 1995)

    It's just a theory. If what you say is correct, then I guess Torchwood let him go.
  2. Abyss

    UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum and his Time Machine (Art Bell 1995)

    Damn Torchwood had to shut him off for good.
  3. Abyss

    What time are you in?

    If he knows what time is, then he must be scheduled for deletion. He will be converted. He will become one of us.
  4. Abyss

    Poll!....... just want to know what you guys are thinking

    We have 5 million cybermen, how many are you?
  5. Abyss

    Do You Like Time Traveler Shows?

    Doctor Who is an epic time travel series. It has more than 20 seasons( Counting the ones from the 60-90's.) Go watch Doctor Who. :3 It's smexy and fun at the same time.
  6. Abyss

    What time are you in?

    With great power... Comes great responsibility. :3
  7. Abyss

    Poll!....... just want to know what you guys are thinking

    I'd like to travel into the timeline of the cybermen. I'd like to become one myself. YOU WILL BECOME ONE OF US. YOU WILL BE CONVERTED [insert cyberman stare here]
