Recent content by browneyes

  1. B

    Tibetan Monk Remote Views 2012

    Re: Tibetan Monk Remote Views 2012 no UFOs came down to save the 12 million people that Hitler gassed (6mil jews and 6 mil clergy, cripples, and ethnically unpure) why now are they so concerned about us? I find this to be unbelieveable. It is the sort of thing that makes people like the...
  2. B

    I am a time traveler and we've done this before

    Re: I am a time traveler and we've done this before You all seem so wrapped up in yourSELVES,like the universe depends on your perception of it, like your perception makes all the difference. PAAAleazze. Get a grip.
  3. B

    Is Zeshua still here?

    Re: Is Zeusha still here? I thought Zeshua was a guy. Anyway, I remember the big funk over "what happens when the pope dies?" Just about every leader of the free world is going to be at the pope's funeral-----perfect opportunity for a whacko to set off a bomb or get attention. Seems...
  4. B

    Welcome All, from 2026

    Re: Welcome All, from 2026 Alright, Zes, the techy info is giving me a headache. Are you suggesting you are talking to us now, but in the future you will come back and take away these conversations? Will that wipe all our memories clean? I DONT GET IT! But I AM spooked. Can you tell us...
  5. B

    Welcome All, from 2026

    Re: Welcome All, from 2026 Alright, Zes, the techy info is giving me a headache. Are you suggesting you are talking to us now, but in the future you will come back and take away these conversations? Will that wipe all our memories clean? I DONT GET IT! But I AM spooked. Can you tell us...
