Recent content by GDZero

  1. GDZero

    John Titor could be right.

    But funny thing is. Out of all scientific researchers, CERN the one who will have something to do with John Titor, came out of no where and found the new particle. I bet you 80-90% of the worlds population didnt know about CERN until the new particle was created. I don't know if it's just my...
  2. GDZero

    John Titor could be right.

    July 13th 2015, the new particle was found by CERN. Anyone have any thoughts about that?
  3. GDZero

    Time is everything.

    Time is everything.
  4. GDZero

    Ask a Time Traveler anything.

    In 2036 was there ever word of someone named John Titor? Or anything to do with Titor. I need to know this information for further details in my research. Much appreciated, Kaan.
  5. GDZero

    time travel theories and thoughts

    Time Travel... To go back... Or... To go forward. My point of view for time travel is that it is POSSIBLE! Einstein is right in some ways with his quote on "I do think time travel is achievable. But it wont be achieved with beliefs." Yes time travel can be possible, but not believing that it is...
  6. GDZero

    A question for you all

    From a teenage guy to a father. Don't crush your sons dreams, if he wants to do that and he is 100% sure, then, go for it. Your son wouldn't be any happier for his father to assist him in his dreams. My father could never do that, but, I know I would of loved it if my father ever could. Best wishes.
