Recent content by Graezzon

  1. Graezzon

    Ask about the future.

    Is Michael B. Jordan going to die this Sunday (February 2, 2020)?
  2. Graezzon

    Time Machines | Electromagnetic Radiation

    I have people to help me through the process. I simply needed the basics.
  3. Graezzon

    Time Machines | Electromagnetic Radiation

    It's fine. I know how to do it correctly.
  4. Graezzon

    Time Machines | Electromagnetic Radiation

    Actually with that theory I have heard to use electromagnetic radiation to create a small black hole. Thanks for the info!
  5. Graezzon

    Does anyone know what these numbers mean?

    Update: I figured it out. Thanks for the replies though! It was time code in simple form... I'm dumb. Thanks!
  6. Graezzon

    Time Machines | Electromagnetic Radiation

    Well I'm thinking more of... Building electromagnetic stabilizers to hold open pre-existing tears in spacetime?
  7. Graezzon

    Does anyone know what these numbers mean?

    The numbers are: 879121. Does this mean anything to anyone?
  8. Graezzon

    Time Machines | Electromagnetic Radiation

    If anyone has a way to time travel using electromagnetic radiation, let me know!
  9. Graezzon

    I am From 2030

    You realize that Nate actually said he wasn't a time traveler and that it was all a hoax. Good try though!
  10. Graezzon


    Greetings everyone! My name is Graezzon. I don't like introductions so I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. Happy to be a part of this community!
