Recent content by Inquisitor

  1. I

    Call to ban Inquisitor from Paranormalis

    You really like to assume and accuse, more proof on the table. Your view is so narrow, that is not the origin of the word Inquisitor at all. Again, you will assume what you want... So at this point, I'm done even trying to reason with you lot.
  2. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    You sir are one of the good few I have met here. While we may not agree on much, I am glad that you understand the importance of peaceful communication between opposing viewpoints. I would like to clarify something though. I never said I left freedom in favor of security and progress, I said...
  3. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    I would agree, if this was his first "bad joke". And he certainly doesn't seem to regret it, either.
  4. I

    Forum Game The Word Association

  5. I

    Call to ban Inquisitor from Paranormalis

    You are proving my point without realizing it, thank you. (y) Remember what I said about equally holding people responsible? Genuine hypocrisy right here.
  6. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    I saw that and acknowledged it. It would have ended there if people didn't start to seriously defend him like he didn't do anything wrong. And now, they are assuming I'm some fake time traveler out for revenge and they are calling me the mentally sick one. :ROFLMAO:
  7. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    Edit: I'm done arguing. He proved my point. They don't care, and that is the problem. How is the world supposed to get better if you don't even care about people or how you can affect them? IT'S NOT. But these people are too blind to ever see it.
  8. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    That's my point, dipshit. Glad you finally saw it.
  9. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    You fools are so hypocritical and you can't even see it. It's no wonder you support Trump and ignore what he's done, because you won't even hold a single person responsible for the AWFUL things he has said, whether he was joking or not! You wonder why liberals don't even want to be in the same...
  10. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    You can say what you want, but I'm not the one defending someone who wishes death on people!
  11. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    Thank you at least for being reasonable even if we don't agree. However, as much as I value freedom, I value safety and responsibility and progress. Freedom isn't the only thing in the world that is important. I apologize, I hope you enjoy the nap.
  12. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    Irresponsible. You don't even care if your words have a negative effect you didn't intend, no matter how bad it is. It is a waste of time even trying to reason with you. You are just as bad as @HeraldOfTruth!
  13. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    I don't wholly disagree. However, things said with hostile intent or that are designed to incite, people like Einstein should be held accountable for what they say. But you are sadly mistaken about Einstein. Read into his past posts, they are filled with hate speech. He may be joking about some...
  14. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    YOU might not see it that way, but other people DO. They certainly do when people with fame say those things. Whether the intention is to incite something or not, it certainly has the potential to. Ignoring that is irresponsible, not to mention inconsiderate. All it does is get in the way of...
  15. I

    Call to ban Einstein from Paranormalis

    I somewhat agree. However, there is never a reason to say things like that. Racism is toxic, and racist jokes actually incite real racism, especially when done by those who are in the spotlight, the people we see being successful. It contributes to the problem whether the person making the joke...
