Recent content by Jerit Adamson Fourman

  1. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider

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  2. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    History of words...

    Is that why weed is illegal!? Bob Marley did shoot that sheriff after all...
  3. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    History of words...

    Love I like etymology tons but best DEFINITION of love I ever found was in Webster's pocket dictionary--a 2"x3" black mini-dictionary: "Love, Enabling choice." Profound. I heard that, late in life, Webster took walks and contemplated words' meanings. Bingo, say I!
  4. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    Man creates new language

    Political speech is riddled with dodgy turns of phrase like "build a bridge to a better tomorrow" so a red marker from a 9th-grade English teacher grading essays or a new standard of clarity for politicians would be a no-brainer. Israel and Zionism, as distinct from Jews and Judaism, are...
  5. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    If child abuse was paranormal it would be easier to understand

    I respond to first question of paranormal and child-abuse by posing question: What is ultimate source of abuse? The molester self-perpetuates in his victims. Maybe humanity's cruelty is such an echo from our creators. Tsarion's "Origins of Evil" is fruitful in this vein.
  6. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    Man creates new language

    Well, I just read the whole article, and 1st: It would be great to require politicians to declare their intent precisely and concisely, sigh; and 2nd: The notion that Israel suck is not radical, and 3rd: Thank God for the right brain!
  7. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    Just joined! Hiya, folks!

    Just joined! Hiya, folks!
  8. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    Just joined. Hiya, folks!

    Just joined. Hiya, folks!
  9. Jerit Adamson Fourman

    'Alien-Like' Skulls Excavated in Mexico

    Scientific? Uh, where are the reports of the MEASUREMENTS of the bones on these skeletons? That skull looks huge! And don't photos usually describe objects in the frame, such as: What is that ruler-like black-and-white object nearby? A decimeter-stick? Yeah, I have a lot of questions! And just...
