Recent content by SavedByRask

  1. S

    Debate Most Likely End of Days Scenario

    This guy is pretty whacked out in his theories, but it'd worth considering since none of here have (presumably) gone to the moon ourselves. It could explain Jasper seeing it move several thousand miles at an enormous speed, and Einstein suspecting it to have some sort of intelligence controlling...
  2. S

    If You Are a Believer....I Need Good Advice......

    I can understand your problem. I'm a non-denominational Christian, which usually means I get labeled as racist or homophobic. Neither of that is true. In the latter case, I can say that I don't agree with honosexuality, but I would never persecute anyone for being that way. Same with any...
  3. S

    Debate Is time travel worth the risk?

    These are some good points. We've all had the thought "if I could go back and do that differently..." but if we actually HAD the opportunity to do so, would we take it? For me, probably not. The mistakes we make, the choices we were faced with, have some bearing on who we are right now and what...
  4. S

    Debate Is time travel worth the risk?

    Forgive my relative little understanding of how time travel works. The concept of it literally makes my head feel like it's about to explode, but it does fascinate me. My question is, if time travel is actually just going between different time lines, without the chance of coming back to the...
  5. S

    UFO Experiences?

    I posted this in my welcome thread. My experience was around November 2011. I was taking my dog out for his nightly walk. I stepped out onto the porch and saw a plane flying off in the distance. I'm an aviation buff and when I see a plane I'll wonder which airline, type, where they are going...
  6. S


    I'm definitely not wanting to be abducted.
  7. S


    I deeply apologize, I thought I posted this in the introduction forum, but Tapatalk changed their app and made me post it in here. If this can be moved then please do and I won't be offended. My experience was around November 2011. I was taking my dog out for his nightly walk. I stepped out...
  8. S


    Hi everyone. My name is Matt, I'm 26 and I live in Maine. As my handle suggests, I'm an avid Boston hockey fan; don't let that scare you! I'm also an amateur author and though I haven't put pen to paper in a long while, I occasionally jot notes after staying awake for hours unable to sleep...
