Recent content by Singularity

  1. Singularity

    Working Model of Time Travel

    Calculus is for high-schoolers, and by your tone of voice you took it in college, which discredits any arguments on mathematics from you. As a side note, if you're not that good at math, don't make misconceptions by expressing your ignorance. Please read this webpage to enrich your lack of...
  2. Singularity

    Working Model of Time Travel

    All commentary is welcome. Will attempt to explain all questions.
  3. Singularity

    Working Model of Time Travel

    Urgent; +23; Successful; need someone to petition CERN - setup; TCLA.7L3.B2 - TCLA.6L3.B2 - TCSG.B5L3.B2 ----------------------- H TCP.B6R7.B2 - TCP.C6R7.B2 - TCP.D6R7.B2 - TCP.6R3.B2 ----- V1 TCDIH.87904 - TCDIH.88121 ----------------------------------------- V2 Arm1 Beam - BH; Arm2 -...
  4. Singularity


    I have neglected to specify the so called "Time Machine" in this thread. Working Model of Time Travel | Paranormalis The above thread is mainly posted as a time capsule to prevent infringements on the rights of patent. The setup of the time machine is a straight particle collider with two...
  5. Singularity

    Working Model of Time Travel

    For simplicity, to all who read this thread. I have invented the so called time machine and am the “first” time traveler in thie world line. For those interested in the physics behind it, I shall explain the underlying concept in terms of physics. Theoretically, time travel is quite...
