Recent content by Swp57

  1. Swp57

    The empire of lies and forever wars on invented enemies considers Israeli cold-blooded mass-murder of long-suffering Palestinians and terror-bo

    Double standards are rife. Examples abound. The empire of lies and forever wars on invented enemies considers Israeli cold-blooded mass-murder of long-suffering Palestinians and terror-bombing aggression against Syria self-defense. In stark contrast, Russia’s legitimate SMO in retaliation...
  2. Swp57

    10 Stupid Laws from Around the World (One Midwestern city has an ordinance in place that authorizes law enforcement to issue tickets to anyone

    Have you ever stopped to think about those little-known ordinances that could get you in trouble with the law if actually enforced? What violation of a silly regulation might result in a hit to your pocketbook with a fine or possibly even land you in jail? Let’s take a look at some of the...
  3. Swp57

    Public Outrage Over “Fascism and Apartheid” in Israel

    Straightaway after Netanyahu was again empowered as Israeli prime minister on Dec. 29, the most extremist regime in Jewish state history swung into action in pursuit of what’s shaping up to be a reign of terror as long as it’s in charge. Last week, Israeli soldiers demolished homes, water tanks...
  4. Swp57

    Reality Check Update on Ukraine

    In stark contrast to refusal by Ukrainian Nazi’s to observe Vladimir Putin’s Orthodox Christian ceasefire — as ordered by the empire of lies — Russian forces complied. When it ended past midnight Sat., Russia’s unstoppable slaying of the made-in-the-USA Ukraine monster resumed. In further...
  5. Swp57

    The Reality of Our Societal Decline- Will Society Collapse in 2040? Society Collapse 2040

    Will Society Collapse? Civilization seems to be lurching. A study suggests that there is a possibility that society will collapse in 2040. In this blog post, let’s explore why society might collapse and how we can prevent it. We’ve all seen the movies where society collapses, and it’s every...
  6. Swp57

    Our “Leaders” Have Taken Blood Oaths- These people swore an oath or to represent citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism.). The

    The blood oath is fundamental. Biden and most of his cabinet and most courts and congress have probably taken it. That’s why they are excluded from mandatory vaccines. These people swore an oath or to represent citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism.).They are traitors and...
  7. Swp57

    How To Get A Ham Radio License For When SHTF- Continuity of communications is critical after an emergency, especially in a grid down or SHTF sc

    Continuity of communications is critical after an emergency, especially in a grid down or SHTF scenario. The issue is that modern communication systems are often tied to the grid, meaning that when the grid fails, our ability to maintain effective communication will fail along with it. Amateur...
  8. Swp57

    Operation Extermination–the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen’If someone wished to kill a significant port

    Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine damage the immune system? Answer– It does. It impairs the body’s ability to fight infection, viruses and disease. Question– If that’s true, then why haven’t more people died after getting vaccinated? Answer– I’m not sure what you mean? The vaccine has...
  9. Swp57

    Separation of Church and State- The First Thing We Do, Let’s Kill All The Lawyers

    Separation of Church & State What do you get when you have separation of church and state? Well, you get millions of dead babies, men marrying men, and little boys with their peckers cut off. God Bless ‘Murica! Let’s start with that. God Bless America. If you have God Bless America right on top...
  10. Swp57

    We are ushering in a new age of population growth and radical natural disaster as well as possible incivility- 7 Things to Remember During an E

    What to Bring During an Evacuation – Helpful Tips to Prepare in Advance When disaster strikes, you and your family need to be prepared to evacuate at a moments notice. Fires, hurricanes, and floods are becoming much more common place these days. Emergency officials do their best to keep the...
  11. Swp57

    72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents- You can now be considered a “potential terro

    Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times”? If you answered...
  12. Swp57

    8 Tools for Underground City Navigation: In an EMP attack, or a major power grid failure, GPS systems would be out of service along with cell p

    In an EMP attack, or a major power grid failure, GPS systems would be out of service along with cell phones and other electronic communication systems. So all you rely on today for getting from one place to another will be rendered useless and all you’ll have left is your knowledge and your...
  13. Swp57

    Impeaching the White House Imposter- Selected, not elected, the White House imposter masquerades as cognitively detached from reality dementia

    Selected, not elected, the White House imposter masquerades as cognitively detached from reality dementia Joe. Law Professor Francis Boyle prepared a “bill of impeachment against” the White House occupant to “stop (the US regime’s) war with Russia.” Below is the crux of it, impeaching him...
  14. Swp57

    From SIDS to SADS: how the pharmaceutical-industrial con-plex fiddles the stats to hide its killings.

    1969: After lots of healthy babies die after being vaccinated, the industry invents SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) to “account” for it. 2022: After lots of healthy adults die after receiving Covid jabs, the industry invents SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) to obfuscate the clear vaccine...
  15. Swp57

    Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: the “news agency” ploy

    The following article was first published in 2019. We are featuring it here because it provides useful insight, as germane as ever, into how the globalist enemies of Mankind propaganda machine operates. The Propaganda Multiplier It is one of the most important aspects of our media system, and...
