Recent content by Thelastjedi

  1. Thelastjedi

    Corona Virus

    Just the usual like every other country daily
  2. Thelastjedi

    Heavy metal punk rock Goth music and lifestyle

    Heavy metal punk rock Goth music and lifestyle
  3. Thelastjedi

    Cousins amongst the stars

    People on earth who ask is there life on other planets Well first you got to find those other planets And on each planet in the universe the same question is spoken And what is life on one planet is a fantasy to those on another planet
  4. Thelastjedi

    Hi just joined

    people from other worlds Spiritual General discussion Helping to answer members questions if I know the answer
  5. Thelastjedi

    Why do men like to kill men?

    No it doesn't you need to get your facts correct your information is wrong
  6. Thelastjedi

    Magick ,I dont believe ,I want to

    Why would you even want to get involved in that field of study , it'll only end in grief for you and leave your mind obsessed and paranoid .the world is full of wonders , I'd suggest and only a suggestion that you go explore the land of the living and leave the dead in peace
  7. Thelastjedi

    Why do men like to kill men?

    Experiences in life I suffer post traumatic stress disorder but I don't go around killing people ,I rise above those that caused me pain and by rising above some of societies scum it makes me a better person
  8. Thelastjedi

    Why do men like to kill men?

    Why does anyone kill anyone? Gives the killer a sense of powered overall their victims , the killer likes to believe their some sort of righteous God
  9. Thelastjedi

    Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

    Eve after she took the orange from the tree of Life
  10. Thelastjedi

    Hi just joined

    Hi just joined
