Recent content by WAH

  1. W

    Debate John's warnings and what just might be involved...

    Is anyone watching this thread? I was speaking earlier about "Wednesday's Boyz" in relation to the Titor story of Civil War... It's Saturday. A few days back on Wednesday, a set of fiber optic cables in Arizona was cut by a commando-style raid - leaving no clues how they knew where and how to...
  2. W

    Debate John's warnings and what just might be involved...

    No, not down that particular path. There is another aspect I have yet to hear properly discussed: Was Titor an "insider" with access to long term planning and scheduling. Plenty of theories here, a lot with factual basis. We have three alignments on the same day, with: 1) Lindberg 2)...
  3. W

    Debate John's warnings and what just might be involved...

    Hi again... There has been much discussion as to the lack of validation of John's War. When I re-read the actual wording, I get a somewhat different take on things. Let me introduce you to "Wednesday's Boyz"... The day after the false flag takeover of Boston due to the "marathon bombing"...
  4. W

    Debate John's warnings and what just might be involved...

    Hi all... I am very concerned with John's warning. 15 years ago, I was not. Last week I was not. Today, I am scared sh*tless... One year ago, on 3/08, a plane, being watched by both Americans and Russians, disappeared with all hands. The back story was there was a "device" (crackle-pop...
