Recent content by wreck1807

  1. W

    How Can I Strengthen My Mind Abilities? (kinesis)

    I read and tried a way to help us meditate and clear our mind faster. Try squatting in a quiet room where the only sound that you can here is your breathing. Try focusing on your breathing so to take your mind off of everything else. Another way is to have a dripper and a bowl 2 to 3 ft away...
  2. W

    How Can I Strengthen My Mind Abilities? (kinesis)

    Man, it's like reach for your innerself first before reaching for other things with your mind. Clearing your mind of everything else is very difficult to do now a days. And with the technology now a days it is making us use our brain less and less. I believe people lang ago has more use of their...
  3. W

    Death Omens,not That Anyone Pays Attention To Them Or Do They?

    One night during a sleepover party a firend of mine saw my brother but cand see his head. She immediately shouted and tried to call his attention. Everyone was surprised and asked her why she did that. She said that it was appropriate because it was a death omen. She followed it with a story...
  4. W

    Ever seen a ghost?

    When i was still in Highschool i'm sure i saw one by the window in my parents room. A black figure ironing out clothes inside the room. When i came inside inside the house I tried to open the door but it was locked. Then I tried knocking but to no one answered. So, asked the helper if my parents...
  5. W

    How Can I Strengthen My Mind Abilities? (kinesis)

    A friend mine told me you need to have your sixth sense open in able to have psychic abilities. The scary thing is, it will be permanent. Once opened you'll be able to develope your telekinesis but you will also be able to see, feel and hear other things like ghosts more than people whoes sixth...
