Recent content by xxwhiteblazexx

  1. xxwhiteblazexx

    being non human

    what can you tell me about dragons?
  2. xxwhiteblazexx

    Media Laws You Didn't Know Existed

    its illegal to spit in Michigan but its so old every one just ignores it
  3. xxwhiteblazexx

    World Wide Werewolf sightings

    ya sorry I've never been good at this sort of thing :D p.s. thanks for the vids
  4. xxwhiteblazexx

    World Wide Werewolf sightings

    i don't care who you are or if you think werewolves are fake but this is just a thread for people to share experiences and thoughts on the subject
  5. xxwhiteblazexx

    Something happened

    it could be like that one episode of doctor who were aliens are using post hypnotic suggestion to rule the world but wiping all memories of them from our minds
