A random dude just standing there has been discovered in Revenge of the Sith’s best scene


Talk about something cool to start your Friday! Check this out!

From the article linked below:
So I'm on the r/StarWars discord server and this guy says there's a guy hidden during the Mustafar fight scene," u/itsjustmonty_ wrote.

So, using my quick time button pressing, I spam my spacebar and low and behold, there's just a dude there during the fight. If you pause the film at exactly 1:59:03:21 you will see him there. Here's a shot from D+. Pretty crazy stuff. Wonder if a random editor put himself in there as a joke to say "im in a star wars movie" :LOL:.

I couldn't believe it, so I checked myself. And yes, it's true. The dude can be seen for a couple of frames. It took me about 5 attempts to stop the movie on the right spot.

Image from the article:

Here are the 2 screenshots I took myself because I couldn't believe it:

Can you spot the dude?



Reminds me in concept of another film.
Can't remember the name of it but it was the true story of the guy who walked the line, that might be it's name, the line, or, the wire or something like it, between the two towers.
Right before he did, there was a random guy who showed up, took a look over the edge, walked around a bit then vanished again.
Now obviously this could be a random thing, but if it was based on true words then maybe this guy was a traveler and wanted to see that point in history...

Anyone else ever think this scene was strange?
