AI and art

Art have been there for millennia. On facebook, I have heard that AI is going to destroy artists, writers, and even musicians. Maybe the Illuminati expects us to work instead of having free time making art.
Art have been there for millennia. On facebook, I have heard that AI is going to destroy artists, writers, and even musicians. Maybe the Illuminati expects us to work instead of having free time making art.

They will have to rip my guitar(s) from my cold, dead hands. ;)

Ain't happenin' .
AI makes great stuff. But in reality, it excels at patching up pre-existing stuff together. Rehashing, reorganizing, mixing stuff together into new things we didn't imagine.

Do we consider this true creation? I'm not convinced...

Is it real creativity? That's debatable.

I believe AI is a good tool, as a part of a creative process. But AI shouldn't replace the creative process.
