Aliens/religion No One Knows!


when man first started to talk there came the question "why"
and without an answer,they just turned to god.
i mean they used to think maggots just appeared out of thin air....and your gunna believe his theory on god

but as time passes we get smarter and figured shit out

now i know there are still alot of unanswered Q's
but there is still time to figure it out
so we're not out of the woods yet

jesus wasnt an actual man...its a metaphor, its the message behind the bible ...which is "do the right thing"..u dont have to be saved by magic water that can wash away all the bad things you do.

actually it was the aliens who probably gave us our religion...knowing it was wrong....but they would do so to make us do the right thing so we dont kill ourselves as soon as we figure out e=mc2

you wont go to hell for making only one sin... if your overall life is good then there ya go....

you dont burn your child for doing bad things you let them learn from there mistakes

look, until u die no one really knows... so i will keep an open mind.. but i am not classifying myself as any particular religion until i learn more about the others first....

if you grow up w/ your mom saying green is red, you will believe its red...

so right now all religion is BS

until proven otherwise

i am ignorant ...but as are you!
im 18 and i know i still have some growing up to do

im going to try to give it my best
i hope u do 2 :cool:


Junior Member
It's not religion that is bad. It is those who use religion to further their own means that are bad.

Religious belief is something completely different, in my opinion, then the organized institution of religion. Belief is good, belief because someone else has an agenda is bad.

Did aliens give us belief, I doubt it. It was probably more of a way for the human mind to comprehend what was going on around them that they couldn't explain with what they knew of the world. I guess you could say that religion is really just a theory.
