Altered States of Consciousness and Magick


The Working States
We will quickly cover the two basic working states in which the magician operates. For some work we use the alpha state or what I call the trance state. The other is the meditative state.
Most psychic states can be activated in the alpha because in nature those need access a little more frequently. In today's society we use much less of those abilities, but you still see it and it's considered accepted such as women's intuition, a policeman's gut instinct, the gambler's luck, and the doctor's hunches.
These are all moments when we experience these things accidentally slipping into alpha and having these experiences. The people in the professions before all have reasons for the development of the abilities. The women's intuition which should actually be called mother's intuition evolved because you need to be sure where your kids are at any given time. You have a family to protect and that's all there is to it. Nature makes you need to use those abilities from time to time.
Have you ever had a feeling your kids were up to no good and when you got up to check of course they are all moments away from certain death playing lets experiment with the microwave. Then there's the gambler who miraculously makes his living off of his winnings and although doesn't seem rich, he never seems to have for want. Or the E.R. doctor who has seconds to save a life and has no choice but to go on a hunch.
The Theta or meditative state is where work such as dreaming astral travel, and remote viewing takes place. Meditative is a little more of a deeper version of trance state. Meditative is often done with the eyes closed except in situations of summoning spirits to physical appearance. This is a more in depth subject and I will not be covering it here in the book but it also will be available in the addendum available for free download on the web site.

Entering the Trance State, Alpha.
1. To enter the trance state just sit back relax and let your mind go blank.
Visualize a large bright cool sun floating above you; the sun is a cool soothing blue. It slowly begins to descend on you moving through your head relaxing all the muscles and tendons in your scalp, jaw, and neck, then it slowly moves down your shoulders cooling soothing and numbing. The blue sun moves down your back and chest then out the arms relaxing down your waist hips and thighs relaxing down your knees calves and finally out the ankles and feet. You feel relaxed and refreshed like having had a cool dip in the pool.
2. Visualize a large bright moderate sun floating above you; the sun is a moderate calming yellow. It slowly begins to descend on you moving through your head relaxing all the muscles and tendons in your scalp, jaw, and neck, then it slowly moves down your shoulders cooling soothing and numbing. The yellow sun moves down your back and chest then out the arms relaxing down your waist hips and thighs relaxing down your knees calves and finally out the ankles and feet. You feel at peace as if caressed by a nice soft breeze. Relieved and refreshed like having had a cool dip in the pool.
3. Visualize a large bright warm sun floating above you; the sun is a warm comfortable red. It slowly begins to descend on you moving through your head relaxing all the muscles and tendons in your scalp, jaw, and neck, then it slowly moves down your shoulders cooling soothing and numbing. The red sun moves down your back and chest then out the arms relaxing down your waist hips and thighs relaxing down your knees calves and finally out the ankles and feet. You feel warm and serine.
4. Let your mind go blank with your eyes open just space out completely. When you have gone totally blank I want you to say to yourself "I am now in a trance state. I can return to this state any time by simply thinking blue, yellow, red." The blue yellow red exercise can be done every time you feel you need the extra boost to relax you down into the trance state. In order to get to the meditative state you must go through trance state and I will discuss meditative state next.

The Meditative State Theta.
The meditative state is the theta state In this state you are usually asleep, but our goal is to enter the theta state while in waking consciousness, this is slightly different than lucid dreaming where you are allowing yourself to fall asleep but maintaining your awareness. Where as in meditation we are awake and moving our consciousness to another state.
Now I may be crucified for saying this but, all the chanting and breathing regulation is fine and dandy but not as necessary as so many gurus would have you believe. Sometimes these things can be helpful but your best strategy is to keep your mind blank.
It's actually far more challenging than continuous repetition to induce these states. It's a short cut to unity/ void state, the trade off is you have to be more aware of what you are doing and not fall asleep.
This is where you need to be and when you have a handle on the technique you can change states much faster. It honestly never made sense to me to be chanting words a part of the brain you need to be in beta and gamma to do, such as information processing and language etc.
In addition filling the head with repetitions of the same thing over and over seems as though it would block any information you would be getting from the biophysical field. How are you supposed to hear the messages from the universe if you are screaming the same thing over and over?
Another thing to remember when you are using the states, your mind operates different functions at different times. So if you are trying to go into trance state but you are looking and searching you are no longer in the alpha or theta states you have gone up to beta and gamma.
So when doing the Clairsentience exercise be sure to allow the information to come to you, and don't try to search for the answer somewhere out in the ethers because you won't find anything but your own imagination.


If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
