Debate Bible Prophecy, Real or Fake?


Are you kidding, all of the nations have been arguing over this for years, the only thing different now is that trump decided to declare Jerusalem the capitol. this is nothing new. The bible is so misinterpreted that it's now a jumbled mess. So much so now that if something occurs that some bible thumper claims that instance was written in the bible. But some how, everything that's ever happened came from the bible writings. If that were true than the bible should be 3 feet thick

The Bible is part time map, in addition to all the spiritual allegory and metaphors and lessons of ethics and virtue and history and, etc etc.. The prophecy parts correspond to things hidden in the text. It means something. Y'all want evidence/proof of time travel? A lot of it is in The Bible. (What do you think Revelation 22:18-19 are about?)

Paula is correct about the world uniting against Israel, although her reasons why are a little off. This recent declaration publicity stunt is provocation, 'Jews' and American Christians and governments playing games with religion and humanity.

When/if the world figures out what they're REALLY doing, all hell will break loose. That's part of what the posts were about, telling me where to look to see for myself, ...because I was apparently somehow born into the situation. All the people in the Titor-verse and elsewhere playing stupid games are going to burn on Earth before hell because they're apparently helping them.

All the idiots making all the claims and controlling the narrative and such have no idea what they're actually doing.
