CNN Actively Promotes Americans Wearing Hijabs to Make Muslims Feel More Comfortable


Is it the fault of our own governments or The New World Order or even the EU which has allowed the massing of muslims here?..

A point to ponder. I have my own concept on that. It is not a preconcept, it is not bias. But I don't like neither Catholic creed and Muslim one. My take is that there is nothing original in the Catholic Faith. Bacchus was the Roman god of agriculture and wine, copied from the Greek god Dionysus and the Catholic church is nothing but Dionysus cult revisited and The Catholic church is a masquerade = a party, dance, or other festive gathering of persons (see in the Gospel references to festivities and wine drinking) people wearing masks and other disguises (wearing the perfect banquet clothing, vid, Communion), and people often elegant, It is historical, or fantastic or both- it is a cult. Otherwise, The opposite to Catholic Church represents the Protestants. They are even more superstitious than the first ones. Following a Muslim cult is an attitude tending toward or resulting in a worse or previous state , a step back from evolving towards a better comprehension of Religion in its primordial and most important meaning of religare or unite the separate parts into a whole. On the contrary, you know how they have severe illogical unfair rules for women. This is what i call a step back from evolution.

Catholocism is a TYPE of Christianity. Not all Christians are Catholic nor do all Christians follow the made up Catholic rules.

The only TRUE Christian rules are the 10 commandments. As far as I know, there is only one type of Muslim. I agree with you about Catholocism, though. They fill their churches with gold. I'm non-denominational.
Two of the major sects of Islam are Sunnis and Shia. This division is what causes much of the conflict in the middle east.

Are they vastly different?


Catholocism is a TYPE of Christianity. Not all Christians are Catholic nor do all Christians follow the made up Catholic rules.

The only TRUE Christian rules are the 10 commandments. As far as I know, there is only one type of Muslim. I agree with you about Catholocism, though. They fill their churches with gold. I'm non-denominational.
Two of the major sects of Islam are Sunnis and Shia. This division is what causes much of the conflict in the middle east.

Are they vastly different?
5 Differences Between Sunnis and Shiites

Carl Miller

Active Member
I believe Shiites value martyrdom more. I'm no expert though.

Islam knows how to defend themselves. Try to denigrade the Islamic Cult publicly and blatantly and you will feel how they know how to defend themselves. Get a lawyer to help you after they have suited you.
What the mainstream dog media will not show you is the martyrdom of christians all over the world. Traditionally speaking who value martyrdom above all are not the Shiites, but the Christians. A priest somewhere in this wide galaxy was preaching recklessly. He was breaking the Catholicism protocols apart and speaking the truth, back then in 2000 over a certain claim for a New Pearl Harbor to put things in order in the world. The priest knew what was going on and he needed not a Crystal ball to tell him they would make up that new Pearl Harbour one year after- the twin towers episode. Well, after the episode the Pope made him Cardinal. He climbed up the many steps to success in a blinking of the eye. And never again he wanted to play the conspiracy theorist guy. Now you join the Catholic Church and Hillary Clinton together and you will see a mess of 'incredible things'.
How many christians have died last year in the world? 3 times the number of deaths in the Iraq War. But you wont hear that by the stream dog CNN media.


Ok, I wasn't comparing martyrdom between any two faiths. Just commenting on the different sects- sunnis and shia. I said nothing about any other religion. But you took this point to some interesting places, which I will leave to some else to comment.
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where the wild things are
CNN Actively Promotes Americans Wearing Hijabs to Make Muslims Feel More Comfortable

That's like wearing a sign that says I GOT A COUPLE THOUSAND IN MY POCKET and saying it will deter criminals

Not comparing those who wear Hijabs to criminals, but the point is, all of the negativity that they get, do you really want to get?

Besides that, actually wearing one when you aren't actively part of that religion/culture is a sign of disrespect. That's like wearing a military costume with plastic buttons that resemble medals and saying you served in the armed forces, its disrespectful.

But hey the media is disrespectful these days...

Carl Miller

Active Member
Ok, I wasn't comparing martyrdom between any two faiths. Just commenting on the different sects- sunnis and shia. I said nothing about any other religion. But you took this point to some interesting places, which I will leave to some else to comment.
i know , Sarah. Thanks for contributing. It means you have been following the thread. i think that matters most than anything else. Here on Paranormalis, we somehow created a silent non manifest agreement towards the so many different Topics. We would not judge as if we were the owners of the truth. Nobody is the owner of the truth. And perhaps with the exception of one or two participants, who knows, generally speaking we are all laymen on most subjects put forward for consideration and discussion. I risk to state that no one will treat you with bias here based on so many years i have been 'contributing' (?) with my musings here. Feel free to participate and be welcome.


Thank you! That is a very nice welcome. I felt as though I had already gotten into a bit of trouble regarding religion and opinions, so I was only trying to stick to facts. :) So one thing this thread made me think of, is there is a little girl who wore a little pink and sparkly hijab to my son's preschool every day and after the week of the election, she wears her head uncovered every day. I am assuming her parents are afraid for her safety. That is heartbreaking. Every religion has so many faces, even the innocent face of a three year old. And if you're of the camp that immigrants should assimilate, then in this case, you got your wish. Too bad it came about through fear. I would rather we be able to celebrate our differences so a three year old never has to learn what the threat of violence means.

Carl Miller

Active Member
IDK, talking about religion gives me the creeps, its best discussing soccer or sex orientations. Religion has become people s opium and people get aggravated when they hear or see their cult being depreciated. 9 out of 10 wars in the world since the dawn of civilization have been caused by religious differences. Now, just think about it. Other denominations afront offenses with swords and helmets. But Christians can not mitigate their enemies' thirst for blood. Why? The Gospel teaches christians not to retaliate. So Christians are being killed all over the world like sheep towards martyrdom. Whenever i affirm this truth people tend not to believe. The main stream media would not talk about it. If you do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly : you will try to get revenge against such a person or group of people. You will retaliate, then. Christian cannot retaliate and this attitude , this way of behaving ignites their enemies' will of causing them harm. Is it fair, is it unfair? It is cultural, it is traditional. Religion should be wiped off from the face of the planet. I mean a sado-masochist content can Always be found in the attitude of religious people.
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IDK, talking about religion gives me the creeps, its best discussing soccer or sex orientations. Religion has become people s opium and people get aggravated when they hear or see their cult being depreciated. 9 out of 10 wars in the world since the dawn of civilization have been caused by religious differences. Now, just think about it. Other denominations afront offenses with swords and helmets. But Christians can not mitigate their enemies' thirst for blood. Why? The Gospel teaches christians not to retaliate. So Christians are being killed all over the world like sheep towards martyrdom. Whenever i affirm this truth people tend not to believe. The main stream media would not talk about it. If you do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly : you will try to get revenge against such a person or group of people. You will retaliate, then. Christian cannot retaliate and this attitude , this way of behaving ignites their enemies' will of causing them harm. Is it fair, is it unfair? It is cultural, it is traditional. Religion should be wiped off from the face of the planet. I mean a sado-masochist content can Always be found in the attitude of religious people.
I did a quick search and found at least one article that confirmed the numbers of Christians killed, as you said. I balked at first at the numbers but what you're saying seems to make sense. And yes, religion is a quarrel that will never be mitigated. But I don't know that talking about one's sexual orientation is much better. Maybe soccer. :)
