Day 1 of Legal Pot Marred by Deaths at Alleged Washington Growing Center


Senior Member
Day 1 of Legal Pot Marred by Deaths at Alleged Washington Growing Center

The first day of legal marijuana use in Washington State was marred by an attempted robbery ending with two deaths at an alleged pot-growing facility just south of Seattle.

The possession of pot became legal in the state Thursday after voters passed a measure decriminalizing it in November. Day two kicked off with more celebrations under the Space Needle tower, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported, but the Pierce County Sheriff's Department investigated an attempted robbery in Puyallup at an alleged growing center foiled by a homeowner who shot two alleged burglars in front of his 9-year-old son.

Officers say they arrived at the home of the man, 35, Thursday to find two masked men dead on the floor and marijuana plants in the attic, ABC affiliate KOMO-TV News reported.

While the law passed in November made it legal to carry and consume marijuana, Sgt. Sean Whitcomb of the Seattle Police Department said cultivating and selling the drug outside of medical dispensaries is still a crime.

"When you're engaged in that type of criminal activity, there is an element of risk," Whitcomb told ABC News Friday.

The legislation leaves Washington in a "murky place," Whitcomb said. Smokers who have purchased marijuana from a street dealer are in the clear.

But the dealer "is still committing a felony," he said.

The U.S. Attorney's office in Seattle sent out a statement Wednesday reminding residents that pot is still illegal under federal law and cannot be brought onto federal property.

"Regardless of any changes in state law, including the change that will go into effect on December 6th in Washington State, growing, selling or possessing any amount of marijuana remains illegal under federal law," the memo from U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan said.

Federal officials have not said whether they will take action in Colorado and Washington where possession laws now conflict with nationwide drug classifications, but Seattle Police told ABC News Thursday that federal agents were hands-off on pot smokers in the state.

In an ABC News poll released shortly after the election, 48 percent of Americans expressed support for legalizing marijuana.


Senior Member
Yahoo news is full of propaganda.

The Headline should read "Homeowner kills two suspect in a botched home invasion."


where the wild things are
That entire law is skewed to hell. I wonder if it was purposely done so by the government, so that they have enough reason to strike down the law in the future and ban sales and use of pot.

People up there, in their little fancy condos and gas guzzling hot rods, they would lose a lot of money, if pot was federally legal and regulated.

Now I don't do drugs. Never had the interest, have nothing against pot. Actually, I recently voted for our state to allow the use of pot, like Colorado and Washington have done, but of course it was struck down by the higher ups in the government.


Senior Member
No no.. the law is not skewed so to speak... This story is just a remnant from the old propaganda as are the old old over law enforcement.

It is gonna time time for some people to adjust. All sorts of people may say all sorts of things but at the end of the day the people themselves have insisted that this be that law that Legalised possession is the law. That includes owning it and growing it.... Cultivation is no longer a crime. Despite what the story says I assure you marijuana possession is legal in Washington and Colorado. You can make hemp. You can make bio diesel out of it . You can smoke it you can grow it.

The story is just an inaccurate piece of outdated propaganda.


Senior Member
Washington State is already becoming a tourist destination for foreigners and out of state visitors, according to a news report I saw. Everyone wants to take a deep breath of that mountain air!
