Deja Vu and Precognition


Junior Member
Heya folks!
I'm new to the forum ( as is made obvious by the junior member status) and very interested in quantum physics, time travel, precognition and deja vu.

I'll make this clear from the get-go, I am not a time traveler or some kind of interdimensional being, just a slightly mutated human. No, I don't have gills or scales or x-ray vision, I just won't ever have to worry about wisdom teeth or papercuts.
But that's kinda tangential to this whole thread.

The last two topics listed in the first block are the ones I have a load of personal experiences with.
At one point I was so tuned into my own mind that I was able to force myself to make near-future predictions in my dreams. I used to love freaking people out by looking into their pasts in a very similar manner, by forcing my mind to focus on the other person's thoughts (and whilst holding eye contact) I was able to tell of recent injuries, arguments, and even a couple personal secrets.

This was of course years back, but I am curious as to whether any other mutants or precogs have found their way to this forum?
Do let me know.


Hi and welcome! :)

I'm amazed that you're able to focus your mind hard enough to look into the past and/or future. That's way interesting.

How did you learn to do this?

I'm sure you're going to love it here! Welcome again. :)


Senior Member
Welcome to Paranormalis will find many interesting members and discussions here...enjoy.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Welcome to the forum! :) Very interesting story... I hope you enjoy your time here and find answers to any questions you might have, maybe answer questions other members might have, as well.. :)

See ya!


Junior Member
Welcome. Care to elaborate on the inability to experience a paper cut?

It isnt an inability to experience papercuts, I just don't worry about them. My metabolism is so high that any minor cut heals incredibly fast.
I'm not immune to injury, I just bounce back faster than the average person.


Junior Member
Hi and welcome! :)

I'm amazed that you're able to focus your mind hard enough to look into the past and/or future. That's way interesting.

How did you learn to do this?

I'm sure you're going to love it here! Welcome again. :)

It took me realizing that the dreams weren't just dreams to even know that I had the ability. That first occurred around age eight when a dream about someone i was to meet came true.
After that i began reading anything i could on the mind, temporal displacement, out of body experience, precognition and dream divination.
Through a lot of trials and a lot of failure i finally figured out how to openly visualise thoughts from my dream (REM) state while still awake. From there i simply "pushed" the thoughts until i reached ones paralleling my percieved reality. These were never as accurate as my true dreams, but still gave me deeper insight into what could or would be.


I have only been here just a few days, and I already love this forum. Is it usual that there comes peoples (or something else) with new abilities every week? :) outside this forum I have rarely met people who even think it is possible to have any kind of powers as this.

I am an empathic being, and I have ability to feel others feelings and I can semi-easily adapt others ways of thinking, but mind-reading could be new for me too. Maybe I should start practising it? :)


Junior Member
I have only been here just a few days, and I already love this forum. Is it usual that there comes peoples (or something else) with new abilities every week? :) outside this forum I have rarely met people who even think it is possible to have any kind of powers as this.

I am an empathic being, and I have ability to feel others feelings and I can semi-easily adapt others ways of thinking, but mind-reading could be new for me too. Maybe I should start practising it? :)

One can only try. From my understanding though, most precogs have the ability from birth, only a very small percentage (less than one percent of the global psychic/precog population) can develop the ability later on in life and only through extensive mental training.


Well, it can happen that I learn it in a some way, or not at all. For me people's feelings are more important, because feeling them makes me a better person by knowing which feelings I am producing to others. All I want is basically give others positive feelings while interacting with them. But if I could read their minds, it would be fun :)

I think, that if I could read minds, it would not hurt anyone, because I believe I only get info what is necessary and not that secret. And I want respect privacy, keep secrets as secrets even I could adapt them.
