Do We Exist By Force?


Junior Member
There is no evidence that we chose to be born - therefore we were born into existence by force (involuntarily, speaking, not by 'force' defined by physics).

Max X

Junior Member
There is no evidence that we chose to be born - therefore we were born into existence by force (involuntarily, speaking, not by 'force' defined by physics).

Good question Maddy 1.

That question can be properly answered since the evidence obtained trough hypnosis by contacting both the higher self and the future self of the personality shows that in most cases there is a pre-birth contract.

For learning certain required lessons to grow into higher levels, and/or to pay certain karmic debts to others it has being discovered that people reincarnate in the same clusters usually changing roles and even gender: A mother reincarnate as the daughter; father as the son; and men as women, black as whites, rich as poor, or vice versa just to learn certain required lessons.

According to the evidence after hypnosis, messages from Ascended Masters and astral projection, most of us for different reasons have chosen to physically be born again .

The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. There are certain souls who want to die to go to “heaven” then once dead find themselves bored to death in the astral plane and then are in a rush to reincarnate again. A p t can live hundreds of lives without actuall having led much or acquired any substantial spiritual progression.
That sort of inadequate coming and going results in a waste of useless lives where the soul learn little about the mysteries of the universe and the meaning of life. On other hand there are people who learn a lot and even those so advanced they do not need to born again.
Yet no matter how low a soul might find itself there is always a way out into freedom and on the same token no matter how advanced and illumined a soul might be there is always more room, in these infinite universes, to grow into higher levels of harmony.

See the book Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth? By Robert Schwartz


just be glad your molecules were arranged like they are.:cool:


Good question Maddy 1.

Well done Max. I have one comment regarding the decision to be born again.
In the non-physical (astral) state, time is just another dimension like up/down, forward/back or left/right.
You have the freedom to choose a new life located in the past, present or future.
Probable pasts and futures do exist simultaneously with the present.
They are just located at a different point in time.

See jane Roberts "The Unkown Reality", "The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher" or "The Oversoul Seven Trilogy".

Max X

Junior Member

I was thinking today of going back to past decades buy a brand new 1957 Chevrolet Belair bring it to 2011 and resell it for 80 thousand dollars, or perhaps any other expensive classic car; hoping the powers which pretend to be won’t bother me.

Just wishful thinking.

I am aware, Rosco, of Seth teachings through Jane Roberts who is actally her future self 500 years ahead. Isn’t that interesting?

In order to understand how the illusion time and no time operates the idea of the simultaneity of time is basic, meaning that you can be born again in any point past present or future in the simultaneity of the illusion of time.

Actually time realities are just dimensions, so traveling in time, like many aliens do when travelling from what we call the future, is just a teleportation to another illusory reality. In my opinion any reality in time-space is just the physical manifestation of the collective thought of those who compose it. By the way they say there is a portal in Agharta or the Inner Earth where you can travel anywhere-anytime in the galaxy just by steping on it with the idea of going "there"

I have read Seth Speaks, the Seth Material, The Nature of Personal Reality, The Unknown Reality, and the Oversoul Seven trilogy, and other books of both Jane and Seth.

Actually I began perusing those strange books in 1970s when they were almost unknown few people actually knew anything about self made realities, probabilities, time lines, simultaneity, or even time travel; those ideas were unfamiliar even to the New Agers.

It is also fair to say Mary Baker Eddy wrote about the influence your words and thoughts have in your daily experience even before Roberts was born.

We should, anyone here, start a thread about this interesting subject.


We should, anyone here, start a thread about this interesting subject.

Max, that sounds like an excellent idea.
I'll try to initiate a new thread on this in a day or two.

I lived in WNY (Niagara Falls) back in the 70's, when I ran across Seth Speaks.
I ended up reading most of the later books that came out before she passed.
I did have the opportunity to correspond (real mail) with Jane and one Xmas
I received a watercolor card (painted by Robert) from the both of them.
I was planning to visit them, but the opportunity never came up in time.
