Does the future affect the past?


Really awesome new research about if the future may actually affect the past.

"[DIGEST: Digital Journal, Science Daily, Nature Physics]

We all agree, past events can affect the present. And present events can affect the future. But few would credibly argue that future events can affect the past.

That might all change soon. Welcome to the world of quantum physics.

To the average person, the observable, classical world of Newtonian physics feels like common sense. Time moves forward; things exist in only one place at a time; if a tree falls in the woods but no one sees it, we assume it still fell. But a team of physicists at Australia National University are saying, “Not so fast.” Enter quantum physics. And it’s really weird."

Scientists Show Future Events Decide what Happens in the Past.


Junior Member
The original saying was 'if a tree in a forest falls and nobody is there to see it would it still make a sound'. There are 2 facts here, Newtonian physics - No it wouldn't make a sound as sound is only a noise as we know it when the wave vibrates the insides of our ears and a noise is created, so fact one is it makes a sound wave but as nobody hears it there is no noise as we know it. The more interesting fact is in the new way of thinking....quantum physics....the fact here is the tree wouldn't fall as the tree only exists in the first place when someone is there to observe it. Without anybody being there to observe it the tree an unlimited amount of possibilities exists while not existing at all all at the same time. Mind bending.

So, if we look at what we consider to be time from a quantum perspective, yes the future can most certainly effect the past and the present as every possibility of every moment in time exists at all times and it is only our 'self' or 'consciousness' that chooses to make sense of it by arranging a kind of timeline of our lives.

This has always interested me as if this theory of quantum physics is the true reality of the universe then time travel would be possible simply by being able to control how our consciousness chooses to arrange all of these endless possibilities. It also puts a strange perspective on what happens at the end of our 'lives'.


Senior Member
Someone's Future Past from this timeline has an effect nearby. You won't know bout it until you see it can you say massive fireworks


Junior Member
"The notion that the future is affecting the past has profound implications beyond the rarified world of quantum physics. It calls into question, for example, the very question of free will, or whether there are multiple worlds with multiple realities. "

That was the key to article and I've thought much about it..


It's amazing when you actually experience it. But it does make you wonder about the government and timeline manipulation.


Junior Member
It's amazing when you actually experience it. But it does make you wonder about the government and timeline manipulation.

The Government is not your friend. If they've got the ability, you can be sure they would use it for nefarious purposes.
