Doomsday Clock Moves Forward – Trump’s Fault?


Think outside the mind
In case you haven’t heard about this yet, the so-called Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clock that a group of international scientists that no one can pin down use to theorize on how close the Earth is to an apocalyptic world-ending event. Today, it was moved forward by a larger amount than it had in the past. The mainstream media was more than happy to blame this on Donald Trump becoming President of the United States a few days ago. However, this isn’t something that works like that. While the media and the previous administration probably would prefer for Trump to shoulder that blame, the truth is that plenty other things have happened to influence this matter. The nuclear deal with Iran along with the gift of uranium marked some of the more infamous parts of Obama’s legacy. Also, the doomsday clock puts a lot of emphasis on climate change. While the Trump administration may be no friend to climate change activists, it’s not like things are any different in that regard than the last or previous Republican Presidents. Trump may usher in the end of the world as we know it, but it certainly had nothing to do with this moment in time.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
Actually, it was moved forward by 30 seconds, which isn't even close to being larger than past movements. It was once moved forward more than 2 minutes.
IMO, 30 seconds is a political, not a scientific, statement.

