Farmers Stumble Across Mammoth Skeleton In Their Soybean Field


Farmers from Michigan accidently dug up a skeleton of a mammoth in their soybean field last Monday. By Thursday, 15 paleontologists had jumped onto the scene and discovered the mammoth was likely to have been hunted, butchered into prehistoric steaks and stored by humans somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago.


Farmer James Bristle and his friend were digging in his field to make way for a natural gas pipeline, when suddenly they struck something. Speaking to Ann Arbor, Bristle said: “We thought it was a bent fence post.” On further inspection, it turned out to be a 2 foot (60 centimeter) rib bone.

After alerting the University of Michigan to their find, a team headed by the institution's Professor Dan Fisher made their way to the site and began excavating. A remarkable discovery, Fisher told Detroit Free Press that it was "one of the more complete sets of woolly mammoth bones ever to be found in the state." Although Michigan is no stranger to finding these kind of things; the remains of around 300 mastodon and 30 mammoth have been found in the midwestern state to date.

Fisher also added that the beast was unlikely to be a woolly mammoth, but actually a hybrid between a woolly mammoth and Columbian mammoth – a species even larger that its hairy cousin, capable of growing up to 4 meters (13 feet).

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Farmers Stumble Across Mammoth Skeleton In Their Soybean Field


Active Member
How gorgeous! I would pour sealant on him and stand him up in the front yard. Tie up a mean looking Rottweiler to the leg, keep people at a safe distance.


Senior Member
Im wondering if the mammoth had been cut up into pieces by a Chinese Restaurant of that era?
Mammoth Steaks very very good very very cheap..
Please remember NOT to bring your baby Pterodactyl pets with you, this the latest EU health n safety law..
And all wives MUST be fully dressed when eating in the restaurant and NO clubs are allowed in for fear of fighting over each others wives :D


Junior Member
I remember reading an article some years back where a frozen mammoth remain was discovered near a Russian village where its residences proceeded to thaw out the creature and eat it. Also just want to add from a news site there is a new business to develop in Russia in the sales of mammoth tusks as an alternative to elephants tusks for ivory
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Senior Member
I remember reading an article some years back where a frozen mammoth remain was discovered near a Russian village where its residences proceeded to thaw out the creature and eat it. Also just want to add from a news site there is a new business to develop in Russia in the sales of mammoth tusks as an alternative to elephants tusks for ivory
How many Mammoths are they expecting to find in Russia..several 1000s? :eek::D


Junior Member
In a BBC news article I read, apparently a few, as about 11 tons were import by China within one year alone. Google the subject you'll find there is a rising demand for ancient ivory.
